No. 2 Chapter 6

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The next morning started almost normal for the young engineer, he awoke and finished his morning routine before the alarm clock struck 6 in the morning and it's alarm rang. While preparing his breakfast he received a call. Picking up he heard the familiar voice of the Konteradmiral.

"I just received the announcement that the agents from the intelligence service have arrived in Bremen and will be here in about an hour. I will send a driver over to pick you up in about 15 minutes. I suggest you prepare yourself and look representable." "Thank you for the heads up and the driver. I will be in your office as soon as possible. The young engineer answered." Not waiting for more, the Konteradmiral ended the phone call.

Looking up from his phone, the young engineer finished his breakfast, prepared some for the cruiser and then dressed in his formal Uniform and gathered his papers. Sitting down on the stairs he waited for the drive to come and pick him up. He wrote Prinz Eugen a text in which he told her where he went and that he had prepared breakfast and left her a key next to it which she was to give to Mr. Waldenstedt when she was going to leave the house. Hearing a car stop outside, he put on his coat and walked outside and towards the staff car that was waiting for him. "Good morning. Have you been sent by the Konteradmiral?" The young engineer asked the driver. "Good morning. Yes I am here to pick you up. Please take a seat and we will be on our way immediately." The driver answered. Nodding the young engineer got into the car and fastened his seatbelt. The second he did so the driver started off and they drove back to the naval base.

The driver brought the young engineer all the way to the entrance of the headquarters building. Exiting the he hurried to get into the building and headed straight for the office of the Konteradmiral. Arriving in the office he was once again greeted by Graf Spee. "Good morning and good to see you are here already. The Konteradmiral is in his study waiting for you." Thanking her with a smile and nodding the young engineer walked straight towards the study of the Konteradmiral. He knocked on the door, just like the day before, before entering. The Konteradmiral was sitting in one of the big leather chairs and had a cup of coffee standing in front of him on the small coffee table. Saluting the young engineer greeted him: "Good morning Konteradmiral, here to report my presence." He stated, keeping all the formalities up although having a small grin on his face. "Looking up from the newspaper he was reading, the Konteradmiral looked at the young engineer. "Good morning. You actually look like a proper officer for once. I don't think I have you seen that formally dressed since your graduation from thel Officers Academy. Although that smile ruins some of the appearance of professionalism." He stated. "But then again I probably could not keep a straight face either if I were in your position." He also started smiling by now. "Well, to come to more serious matters, you will most likely be either interrogated about what happened to you. If you are lucky there will only be a closed inquiry about your loyalty and capability to continue service. If they find something they dislike it might come to a trial for treason or espionage. But I would say since you have been honest with us and the intelligence service so far, the odds should be good that it will only be a closed inquiry." He explained further. Not knowing what to say to that the young engineer only nodded.

Gesturing him to sit down, the young engineer followed the invitation of the Konteradmiral. "Since all official business has been resolved so far until the men of the intelligence service arrive, I thought we could catch up on private matters." The Konteradmiral proposed. "That would be nice, I have not been able to talk to anyone else but Prinz Eugen for a long time." The young engineer agreed. "You know, if you need to talk about private matters, I am still your godfather and be there for you, that did not stop when you turned 18 or joined the navy." The Konteradmiral pitched in. "I know, I know. But I also know that you are busy enough with your work here. And it still feels weird that you are also my superior and I don't want to complain to you about things happening here outside of official interactions. Keeping personal matters and things concerning the Marine apart in our conversations can be an issue." The young engineer explained his concern. Nodding the Konteradmiral understood his point. "I know what you mean, it should not look like we are picking favorites or resolving things over an indirect way. Anyways, how is your wrist and the house doing? " The Konteradmiral asked to change the topic. "It's dusty but otherwise fine. I changed the locks since the Northern Palairment took my old house key from me. If you need to get in and I am not around I already made sure that Mr. Wladenstedt got a new spare key to the house. Concerning my wrist I was told that it should be healed within the next two weeks if I don't interrupt the healing progress. I was thinking of going to see the naval hospital towards the end of the week, depending on how things develop today." He explained. Chuckling the Konteradmiral asked: "Do you think the Northern Parliament is going to break into your house? If they want to, they do that with or without a key to your house." The young engineer tilted his head in amusement.

"You said, you had no one to talk to but Prinz Eugen. Have you stopped contact with your siblings and friends?" He asked the young engineer. "I have not. I have been writing them all as often as I can and they write me back. And I actually picked up my phone as you were already able to figure out. It's just that they are all far gone. Either in other parts of the Marine or Heer or they moved on to different places as well. Als I did not intend to let it sound like I am sick of the heavy cruiser. Working together with her is definitely something I never imagined to happen. But you know, one misses one's family and friends after some time." The young engineer explained himself. "I also heard that you promoted Wiedling to lead engineer." He stated. "Yes I did, after he fixed such a complicated issue with Admiral Hippers rigging he proved once more to the other staff that experience and practical knowledge are things that we can't simply retire. And with him as lead engineer, all others will profit from his knowledge and the other newer engineers will be able to learn a lot from him as well." The Konteradmiral stated. "I also know Wiedling for as long as I have been in the service here and he is a treasure trove of knowledge and a kind person as well." He continued. "Apropos, where did you leave Prinz Eugen. I thought she was with you. That was at least the information I was given by Graf Spee." He asked the young engineer. "Well.... she is probably still sleeping." He explained. Seeing the raised eyebrow of the Konteradmiral, he explained further. "She stuck around to help me out with my hurt hand. In the end she passed the closing time of the gates and she stayed at my place over the night." The Konteradmiral broke out in laughter. "I can't believe it. The first girl you take home with you is a Shipgirl? You do have a weird preference for women." Blushing in embarrassment the young engineer tried to find the right words to answer but was stopped by an appeasing handwave of the Konteradmiral. "I only make jokes. But it seems that Prinz Eugen cares for you if she is willing to go and help you out. Normally she is not the type of person who openly shows a caring side and compassion. But whom am I telling that to. You work together with her on a daily basis." He explained.

Their conversation was interrupted by a short knock on the door and the head of Graf Spee popping in through the partially opened door frame. "The officers of the naval intelligence and home defence department are here." She informed the two men. The Konteradmiral nodded in acknowledgement and then looked at the young engineer, the kind and cheerful expression the young engineer associated with his godfather was gone again, insted it had turned back to the harder and almost unreadable expression he knew from the person that was the base commander. Both stood up and readjusted their uniforms and tugged their hats under their left arm. Giving the Konteradmiral his position upfront the young engineer followed right behind him as they left the study and entered the big office to meet with the intelligence agents.

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