Betrothed in Hate

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When Azula stepped into the torcher room she was meet with the corpses of the exact people she was looking for.

Aiguo Bao, Cheng Changpu, and Daiyu Enlai, all leaders of command of a Fire Nation Guard.

Aiguo Bao, Captain of the Royal Guard.

Cheng Changpu, Captain of the Caldera Guard.

And Daiyu Enlai, General of the Fire Nation Army.

"Absolutely Disgraceful" she thought as she stepped deeper into the room until she was in the center and was staring at a single chair that was covered in blood. On the floor there was snapped rope that was just as bloody on the floor.

Azula looked up to see that only one chain was still hanging with it's cuff pried open, the other chain was on the floor cuffless as it's links were either broken or disfigured.

She noticed the cart that was knocked on it's side as on the floor were bloody tools, it seems Enlai lost his patience and went straight into the torcher.

Good thing is that thanks to Enlai's impatience he made it easier to track her fathers murderer as the killer left his tracks behind as she followed the Bloody foot prints deeper into the room as she followed them into the holding cells, the torcher room wasn't a prison or a holding facility it was only used to freighten those they believed they didn't have to torcher but needed a bit of a push to get the truth out of them.

Anyway Azula finally arrived where the trail stops as it lead her to one specefic cell, as in the cell there was a body covered over barely, azula could see the scars, the blood marks and the blood on the feet as she assumed this was her fathers killer, but something was off as she looked closer at the blood on the feet and noticed that the blood was way too dry to be the blood prints she was following.

There was only one way out of this room as the torcher room was the only room in the whole palace that had no secret entrances, the only entrance and exit was the way she came in which meant tha-.

Her thought was caught with a knife that was thrown right at her neck and she was forced to dodge the knife as she was then forced to roll through after the dodge as 2 more knives were thrown at her piercing the ground where the intended target was as Azula was now looking at the bloodied man before as she could not escape the red eyes that stared her down.

Silver spikey hair, matching silver goaty, and red eyes beyond humanly possible, Yes, this was the man that killed her father, the man who single handedly for sured her spot on the thrown, and now she was about to relinquish him for he had outlived his usefulness.

As she slead herself across the ground sliding Azure flames across the ground hoping to burn his already suffering feet but V had already familiared himself with Fire Benders at this point, Techniques, Strategies, it meaned nothing to him for he cared not for who this fire bender was, she was in his way and at this point he didn't care about showing his Cyernetics, he was going to kill her.

As  he simply hoped over the flames lid his way as he ran toward her. Azula followed up her sweep with a spinning roundhouse kick which V caught and dodged the fire blast from the tips of her toes as he tripped azula having her fall on her ass but that was not what happened as she cartwheels herself from the falling position ending the cartwheel with a jump dropkicking flames at V.

Which V bobbed underneath the attack as he went for a big right hook with his gorilla arm aiming for Azula's hip which he connected but no fully as he only grazed her sending her flying into a wall back at where the chair in the torcher room was.

Azula was now frustrated with this turn of events as that had never happened to her, not since she was a child had she been tossed around like a ragdoll.

She decided to stop playing nice as she stood up immediately as she began to bend lightning as V didn't know what she was doing but all he knew was that she was open for an attack which he took.

As he lunged at her but at that point she pointed her index and middle finger together at him as she zapped him with lightning, as V was electrocuted.

But the truth of the matter was that it hasn't been V's first time being electrocuted as he felt the stinging pain all over his body but then it faded as it was now his term to make her feel pain as in the matter of a blink of an eye V tackled down Azula in speeds she could not identify as was now on top of her, ready to finish this once and for all.

As he decided to soften her up as he punched her with his left arm to not kill her instantly but to make her feel the pain he felt, but Azula retaliated as best she could as she spit Azure flames in V's  face but V counter attacked instantly as he detracted his left arm into his mantise blade as he slit her throat.

For V the flames eventually went out as the burns could not damage his implanted titanium bones or durable skin.

For V he felt the heat, he felt the burning pain but his body could never be blemished by it as he had successfully removed the obstacle on his way out of the torcher room and outside.

For Azula she was bleeding out as her life was flashing before her eyes, as death was right beside her as he wore dark shaded glasses, had long dark hair and above all had a sliverhand.

To Be Continued.



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