found a heart

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"Are you ready ?"

It was still in Songhwa's memory, from the first time she saw him, the first time she found him, the first time she felt something different to the man who was sitting next to her. With his brown coat and a glasses, he handed her a scrunchie. She turned her gazed to him in a split second, pursed her lips as she felt her heart started beating fast, and she knew, it's not because of the interview she's gonna take in a few minutes.

Ikjun felt it, when her eyes on him a second after she finished with her hair, found a way to look at her again, find a way to see her clearly after her side hair covered her face. He remembers how silly he was, dropped his paper just so he could stole a glance to the girl sitting beside him. She's not something he's looking for when he came to Seoul, but when he gave her the scrunchie, didn't realize what he's really handed to her, his heart.

"I still can't believe it. You and Songhwa, getting married."

"I know"

"I wish she's in her right state of mind"


It is a Spring wedding in the late afternoon. The garden area faced the breathtaking sunset. At each side of the altar, jasmine scented candles hang on decorated bamboo rattan. Spread down the altar was white roses, as far as the eyes can see, so soft and delicate, as they're feel like flying when they're steppend on them. They have a small group of close family and friends dressed in casual garden attire for comfort. On both side of the altar, some white chairs set up for them on the beautiful garden.

"Okay, okay Eonnie , you need to breath." Iksun asked Songhwa as she could see how nervous Songhwa standing near by the window.

Only fifteen minutes remained before her wedding begin. She was nervous just like the first time she met him.

"I can breathe," as Songhwa answer to Iksun, "I just need a moment." Iksun and Jeongwon looked at her worry as Songhwa can't stop walking around in this room after she wears her wedding dress. It's a white silk gown with a glistening overlay of floral-studded lace.  A simple silhouette complements the tender aesthetic in Songhwa's look.

A moment after she looked out to the window, Songhwa's wide eyes turns to Jeongwon and Iksun "I don't think i can do this". By this time Jeongwon and Iksun realize how freak out Songhwa now. Iksun steps forward to her as she grabbed her hands.

"Eonnie, you can do this. This is the moment of happiness you've been waiting for."

"What if it didn't work ? What if i failed him ? I never think about getting married before Iksun-ah". Jeongwon joins them as he strokes Songhwa's shoulder, tries to calm her down "Songhwa-ya, you love Ikjun, don't you ?"

"Of course."

"Then everything would be fine. You don't need to worry". Songhwa takes a long breathe as she tries to loosen her nerves a bit when Junwan comes in to the room "What's going on ?"

Junwan walks towards Songhwa with an envelope on his hand as he hands to her "He knows you're gonna freak out."

"It's from Ikjun ?" Junwan nods and when Songhwa start to open the envelop Junwan gives a sign to Iksun and Jeongwon to leave her alone.

Songhwa-ya, are you nervous ?

Because i am. I never been so nervous like this before in my life. The last time i got nervous was when i came to Sokcho on the first day you move there. You know, to pull myself together coming to you just to tell you how i feel about you. And just remembering that, i can feel my heart beating so fast. Though today can't compare, I'm totally nervous as i've been waiting for this day to come for the whole of my life.

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