twenty seconds or twenty years ?

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Airport always gives me a chill feelings. Either when i'm about to leave home or comeback home. I remember that night on December last year here waiting for my flight to Spain. I brought a lot of books to keep me busy during my trip, but none of that books i read. How can i read something when i can't even think of anything.

After confess my feelings to Songhwa, my best friend, I really can't pull my brain off. It's crazy, after twenty years accepting what i could only get from her, a friendship, now i want more. But I don't want to think about it again. The regrets i have for not brave enough to tell her my feelings during our twenty years of friendship, it doesn't matter anymore. Because now, i can proudly say that she's mine.

Also what matters now is i'm going home early from my symposium to surprise Uju and Songhwa. I'm supposed to comeback to Seoul tomorrow but since symposium already finish and instead spending a free day there, i prefer to change my flight to early schedule. Also hearing the news about snowstorm around Europe that can make some flights delay is making me worry that i might come home later than schedule. I miss Uju and Songhwa already and i wanna go home as soon as possible.

Songhwa and Uju want to pick me up at the airport. But since i wanna surprise them, i should just go home by taxi. And i don't know the traffic would be this bad at this hour. It's almost 9.00 pm, Uju and Songhwa probably already have slept when i'm home. It's a bit cold as winter already come, a little drizzle over my window taxi accompany me on my way home. Songhwa's favorite weather is here.

We've already move to our house a week before i left. I want to spend our first Christmas together there. Also Songhwa and Uju want to decorate Christmas tree together soon. So i think it's better if we move before Christmas. Thinking about my two favorite humans now just make me miss them more. Maybe I could call Songhwa just to check if she's still awake.


We're just talked on the phone during my transit, but hearing her voice now while i'm on the way home just make me miss her more.

"Hi, did you sleep already ?"

"No. I just come out from Uju's room. He's sleeping now. We've just finish playdate with Mone and her mother an hour ago." I can hear her little laugh when she continues told me about their playdate. Apparently Uju told Mone that Songhwa is her mother in law.

"Mone called me Eomeonim. She's so cute"


"They're really like a newlywed couple, they're holding hands and can't stop hugging each other when we're about to leave Mone's house"

"Hahahaha, they're just like us"

I can hear her little chuckles and although i cannot see her, i know how she flushed over what i said. There's a silent moment before she talks again, asking if i have already packing my stuff before going to the airport and i just muttered, considering i hate lying to her but i also don't want to tell her that i'm already on my way home now.

"You're right"

"About what ?"

"This is the first time we're being apart since we're together. I miss you"

Gosh, it's silly how my heart still beats faster after just hearing that words from her. Because knowing she's not that kind of girl who say out loud about her feelings. She loves me on her own way and sometimes she surprised me.

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