you are my sunshine

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Have you ever think that you have lost something or someone but in the perfect time they comeback ? Songhwa and Ikjun did. They lost the chance they probably have twenty years ago to be together. Long story short, now they grew up becoming the better version of themselves, and not denying in this perfect timing they complete each other.

After facing his unsuccessful marriage, Ikjun didn't realize that his feelings for his bestfriend can surface again after twenty years. The warmth feelings and comforts he got everytime he's with Songhwa convinced him to declare his feelings towards her.

As with Songhwa, she didn't expect the closeness she had with Ikjun after everything he's been through with his marriage and how he cares about her can somehow brings back that lost hope she has twenty years ago. Finding someone that you thought you lost long time ago is amusing her.

It's funny when everytime she thinks she needs something or someone, Ikjun is always there, like he was ready for her. When he sat in the waiting room for her biopsy result in the early morning, when she's just broke up with her ex-boyfriend, when she wish a general surgeon that can do liver transplant come in a short time, he's there. Not to forget to mention every little thing he did in a way he cares about her, everything she thought she missed, he was there coming with hope. How they completed each other just makes everyone said they are a perfect couple.

However, lost is not something human can avoid in life. And as much as Songhwa and Ikjun look perfect, fate always has something for them. Something is again signaling that this may be not a perfect timing for them, especially something they didn't expect before.

Songhwa is not an emotional person and somehow she's struggled to talk about how she feels, even though she was sad, she tried to holding back tears and not letting it out.

And just at this time, 5.00 am, in the hospital bed, she woke up feeling sad and pain all over her body.

What time is it ? I don't know how long i slept. My head was hurt. I can't even move my body. I feel like i don't have anything left on me at all.

Ikjun is here. Why am i crying again ?


"Hey hey, i'm here..."

He holds her hand and strokes her cheeks, trying to wipes the tears that falls again from her eyes. I don't know why it hurts so much. And i mean it hurts my heart. I can't even stop this pain.

Songhwa remembers just about yesterday, they rushed her to the OR after she almost fainted. She was a bit unconscious before, but she knew everyone was shouting and screaming her name. And not long before after that she saw Seokhyung on his scrub calling her name several times. He wants her to stay conscious, she tried, she needs to.

But Songhwa didn't remember after that, she just knew Ikjun is coming a few minutes later, holding her hands. I wish i could forget what was just happened to me. And i wish i couldn't remember the reason why i'm here.

I had a baby, but I didn't know it until she was already gone.

Songhwa had some surgeries planning on since last month also Director just promoted her as a Chief of Neuro Department since the beginning of this year only make herself burn into work harder than before. It's not like Ikjun didn't warn and take care of Songhwa, but becoming a Chief as a woman in this hospital is a huge thing for her. She just wants to prove not only to her colleagues but also to herself that she can do it, at least in the first quarter, she thinks.

Shock doesn't begin to describe it. She hadn't had any thought that she was pregnant. She feels ironic how she can feels something not good with herself two years ago that end up with her getting biopsy test to further checking, but now she couldn't see this coming. It didn't feel real.

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