Chapter 5

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Adora's POV:

It's been nearly a few weeks since I've last encountered with that girl I fought after Sam's death.

I knew there was something very familiar with her. After what she said, I knew right away it was her.

Her name was Catra.

Me and Catra has had a rough but nice past. During High-school, after I moved there with my mom, I met Catra during a cheer practice after Glimmer showed me around.

Then I tried out for their Football team, there was an asshole who wouldn't want me in, but Coach let me play since the whole team sucks because of that asshole.

I started to feel something more for her but I was just scared to tell her how I felt. Afraid she'd reject me, see me only as a friend. or just hate me...

(Plot Twist heheh >:3)

I heard a knock at my door, Bow and Glimmer nearly broke down my door, again.

"Adora! Come quickly!! Someone has sight on Horde Primes gang!" Bow said as he ran outside.

I quickly got up from my chair, took my pistol and ran outside.

We drove to a huge ally and I saw a few of the member's of the gang. I got out of the car, gun in hand.

"BRIGHT-MOON POLICE DEPARTMENT! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" I yelled, some got down to the ground and I heard a female's voice hiss at them.

"Cowards!" she said as she grabbed a guy and put the knife close to his neck.

My eyes widened. She's going to kill him, fuck!

"Lower your weapon or else I'll kill him right now!" She said, slightly cutting his neck, blood oozing out.

"Adora! Take the shot." Glimmer ordered me, I aimed at the girl's head then something hit me.

Even thought I couldn't identify the girl, due to her wearing her black hoodie, and her mask, I recognized those mismatched was blue, the other a golden yellow.

"Adora!" yelled Glimmer. I shook my head, bringing myself back to reality.

I was stuck. I couldn't kill her, I can't! I slowly lowered my weapon and I saw the familiar girl lower her blade. Until Glimmer aimed at her and shot her arm.

"No!" I yelled, the girl yelled in pain and quickly ran away with the remaining members of the gang, leaving the suspect alive, the last 3 members that we're left behind we're arrested.

I stood in shock, hoping she'll be alright.

"What the hell was that Adora!" Glimmer said, yelling at my face. "You had the shot! Why didn't you take it?"

I must have had a dumb face on because she only got more pissed. "Don't make this mistake again! You could have risked this man's life!" she pointed at the man with a slight scar to his neck. "You've been like this for weeks now! Start focusing!" she walked over to the car and drove away with the 3 arrested member's of the gang.

I sigh heavily, and put my pistol away, before I walk away I see another note, I pick it up and once again. Written in cursive form.

"Hey Officer~ 

I remember you very well...I was wondering if we can meet up tonight at a bar at 9?

If accepted, come.

If not, then I'm not surprised.~Catra"

I stare at the note and in my head I thought. What if I can make her tell me why she's doing this...we're she's been all these past 10 years...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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