Chapter 1

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(3rd Person POV)

It was a dark and cold night. Rain was pouring down against the hard cement and the roofs of apartments.

A gang of people was running towards two young men.

"Help! Somebody!" cried out one of them. The second young man was tackled down by two members of the gang. "I got him!" a blond boy yelled.

The last man was tackled down as well. "Hold him down steady." said a female voice. her shadow walked closer to him. She put her hand under his chin, lifting his head a bit.

She smirked at him, "Yeah it's him. Do it." she nodded at a member of the gang.

A small shine of light glowed in the bright moon light as the sound of a knife opening was heard. The man gasped trying to get out of the gangs grasp.

"Your not going anywhere." chuckled a deep mans voice.

"N-No! Please don-" he was cut off as the knife went through his throat and a large gush of blood was splattered across the cement floor.

"Jared!!" cried out the other man, who was still being held down by two gang members. Jared's still body fell to the ground.

"Why are you doing this?!" Asked the young man, demanding for an answer.

The female member grabbed him from the collar of his shirt and lifted him up.

"It's just business, Sam." she smirked. She tossed a knife at the blond boy who clumsily caught it.

"Here, finish the job." she orders as she let go of Sam's shirt.

The blond boy stammered. "Oh-Okay I-I will." The knife he was holding with his hand was shaking in fear. Sam got out of the gangs grasp and lunged himself at the blond boy, they both fell to the ground.

"Get him!" said the deep man's voice.

Sam quickly got up and ran as fast as he could. he ran past a bunch of people across the sidewalks.

"We're going to fucking lose him!" Once of the members said as they tried to get through the people.

Sam ran pass the moving cars on the road, who we're hoking at him to move out of the way, then eventually he escaped the gang.

"Ugh! What the hell Kyle?! You had one job! I told you to finish him!" The female yelled at the blond boy's face.

"I-I was going to, Catra but then everything went by fast! He attacked us and ran!"

"What are we gonna do now?" asked Lonnie.

"We're screwed already, thanks to damn Kyle over here. If I can find Sam before the cops find our hide out. We'll be fine. But one thing is for sure, we're never going to let Kyle finish any job." Catra said glaring at him, everyone nodded in agreement.

"Now let's go report to Horde Prime." she said as they all heard sirens from the distance, the gang followed Catra down into a dark ally.

Here is Chapter 1, I hope you like this and I have a lot of ideas for this book.

Tell me what you thought about it! :3

Loving A Criminal ~Catradora~Where stories live. Discover now