Chapter 5 : The fall of Xtale

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No one's pov :

-"i..look like a resident ?" Cross asked, kinda surprised.

-"yeah ! Also your eyes remind me of someone.." Frisk was thinking "oh ! Yeah ! You remind of the Chara of this au"

-"really ?"

Frisk nodded.

-"sooo..uhm can you tell me more about the destruction and resident ?" Cross was really intrigued about this au for a reason that was unknow for him.

-" for the destruction it all started when...


Core¡Frisk was visiting Xtale, X-gaster was requiring them here for some help.

-"you needed me, Gaster ?" Frisk asked, it wasn't unusual for them to be called for an information about au's or different gaster, sanses, or frisks for 'personal reason'.

-"yes, you see..i have been experimenting on different stuff and today..eheh Today was a success my friend !!"

-"...what did you do..?" Frisk felt uneasy when the scientist was 'happy' like that.

-"well you see...i created another gadget." Said X-gaster with a smirk.

-"oh god.." frisk clearly not trusting this new 'gadget'

-"let me ex-" gaster was interrupted by an explosion. "WHAT TH-" the lab was exploding.

Frisk ran out to see the whole au being destroyed, they teleported out of Xtale to check the codes and saw that there was an anomaly wich cause the destruction. They surprisingly couldn't teleport back in the au.

Once the au was totally erased, they could go back in to only see the now blank au.

-"..." tears streamed down their cheeks, they teleported away without bothering to check if someone was still somehow there.

End of the flashback

-"and that's it." Frisk said

-"oh.." Cross said "but what about that 'Gaster' ? How was he ? What did he do ?"

-"..Gaster was..err how to put it in words..a very..passionated ? Scientist."
Frisk seemed really uncertain on how to describe him "he tested and created a lot of stuff from furnitures to food, robots to actual living being, mostly monsters."

-"woaaah really !? That's so cool !" The skeleton was amazed "he must have been a really good scientist !"

-"yeah he actualy was, even though most of his ideas were crazy..and he was kind of a b****." Frisk wispered the last part.

-"have you ever met one of the monsters or humains he made ?"

-"no, for some reason he never let anyone see his 'creations'."

-"what about that other person i remind you of ? Chara, if i remember correctly."

-"yeah, Chara is a boy with white skin and hair and he also have the same eyes as you, he was one of the few people who got experimented on by Gaster." Frisk explained "he was not evil though, he was just really misunderstood and just wanted to have his freedom."

-"so..Gaster experimented on him without his consent ?" Cross asked

Frisk nodded, then, they looked around.

-"seems like it's getting should probably go back." Frisk said, looking back at Cross with a little smile.

-"okay, it was nice chatting with you !"

-"yeah it was, see you maybe another day, bye !" Frisk said, walking away

Cross waved knowing that Frisk was now to far to hear him, he got up from the bench and walked back to the castle.

Once he was there, he sneaked back to his room and got a book to kill the time he had before diner, but...the though about what Frisk told him was still there. He couldn't concentrate, he was deep in his thouhts until he got snapped back to reality by a knock on his door.

-"what is it ?" He asked.

-"sir Cross, diner is ready." The guard said

-"alright, i'm coming." Cross said while getting up.

When he got there, he sat down at the table. There was an awkward silence for a moment until his father broke it.

-"your grandparents will come tomorrow." He said

-"..okay 'father'." Cross was annoyed, not because his grandparents would come, but because his fther spoke.

-"speak to me with another tone, young man."

Cross barely glared at him before going back to what he was doing.


I'm making X-chara as a boy because apparently Jakei confirmed he was one

I don't know if it's the same for Dreamswap though, but if you guys are more comfortable with X-chara being non-binary then i can make X-chara in this story non-binary

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I don't know if it's the same for Dreamswap though, but if you guys are more comfortable with X-chara being non-binary then i can make X-chara in this story non-binary.

This is my way for Xtale to be destroyed, i hope you don't mind it.

Hope you have a good day/night, bye

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