Chapter bonus 7.5 : How Blue met JR

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Hello everyone, i made a bonus chapter for the meeting of Blue with the JR employees, this happened 3 years after the other chapters (1, 2, 3, 4, ect..).
This chapter will be shorter than the others.

I won't keep on bothering you, hope you enjoy it.


Blue arrived at dreamtale, Nightmare told him about his au and now he was curious, he also heard about Dream's organisation and wanted to see if it was possible to say 'hi'. The guardian of negativity invited him to come over for some reason that he didn't mention.

He walked around and saw a huge castle.

–'guess that's JR' he though.

He walked to the door of the ginormous castle and opened it, the guards didn't seem to be bothered by his presence, he wondered why.

–"hey over here !" He heard, he looked where the yell was and saw Nightmare, he walked toward him and asked.

–"are the guards not doing their job or.."

–"nah, i just warned them about you coming over."

–"why did you even invited me ?"

–"i though that you could help me bother my bro, you seem to be a good guy to do this."

–"i don't know if i should be offended by that or not."

–"ehh i don't know, you choose." Nightmare starts to walk away "come on let's go to Dream's office !"

Once they were at the office's door, Nightmare kicked the door down and said.

–"guess who's gonna make the next hour hell for you." Dream looked at him with an annoyed face.

–'this looks fun.' Blue though.

6 years later

–"hello there, angel boy." Blue smirked.

–"get out." Dream said, being so done with Blue bothering/flirting with him.


I hope you have a nice day/night, bye !

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