The set up

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Aksel's pov
Freyja and I walked into the sim room and Freyja taking great joy in being able to boss me around again directed "sætte på riggen (put on the rig)" I walked over and carefully picked everything up and put it on before Freyja laughed and spoke "det er ikke skrøbeligt, rolig ned(it's not fragile, calm down)" I rolled my eyes as she ordered "træk visiret ned, det får alt klar(pull down the visor, it'll get everything set up)" I gripped the vr visor and pulled it down seeing the grid as it directed me to touch different parts of my body and enter information. It was about 3 minutes before it had me running in a circuit so it would test my endurance. I heard Freyja "du ser så underlig ud lige nu(you look so weird right now)" I replied breathing heavily "kys min røv, du har også gjort det før(kiss my ass, you've done this before too)" she just laughed as I continued doing these tests. Eventually I finished the test and my stats were displayed infront of me, I jovially exclaimed "det er ligesom jeg er på mit eget fodboldkort!(it's like I'm on my own football card!)"
     Freyja just laughed before she asked "så hvad er din statistik?(so what's your stats?)" I replied "2 rustninger, 2 hastigheder, stealth er 10/10, ildkraft er 7/10, overlevelsesevne er 5/10(2 armor, 2 speed, stealth is 10/10, firepower is 7/10, survivability is 5/10)" she commented deep in though "ikke så anderledes end min, jeg har dårligere stealth og ildkraft, men derudover er det det samme(not that different than mine, I have worse stealth and firepower but besides that it's the same)" I asked competitively "hvilket hold er du på?(what team are you on?)" she replied "angriber(attacking)" I looked and saw that mine said "forsvarer(defending)" she asked "hvad? du er en forsvarer? hvordan? du har en maskingevær(what? You're a defender? How? You have a machine gun)" I shrugged and replied "der står, at jeg er en forsvarer, jeg ved det ikke(it says I'm a defender, I don't know)" she sighed as I lifted the VR visor. She pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned "hvis jeg bliver dræbt af din dumme røvmaskingevær, vil jeg mobbe dig som om vi er børn igen(if I get killed by your stupid ass machine gun I'm gonna bully you like we're kids again)"
I chuckled and spoke "håber bare vi ikke ender i sims sammen min kære søster, ellers bliver jeg bare enebarn(just hope we don't end up in sims together my dear sister or I'll just have to become an only child)" she laughed before I heard Meghan "so I see you got yourself all set up" I nodded and replied "Dear Freyja here is upset about what team I got put on" Meghan gave Freyja a look of questioning before asking "Attacking? Are you two on the same team?" I laughed as Freyja exclaimed "Nej! We're not! I don't know how but he's on the defending team with a machine gun!" Meghan replied by pointing out "well Adriano has a lmg and he's on defense" Freyja spoke with some annoyance "ja but now we have two stealth experts on defense, Taina and him." Meghan just replied smugly "well you do, he's on my team" I slowly took off the rig before I heard freyja's stomach growl. Meghan used this as a jumping off point "that brings me to why I'm here, I wanted to know if either of you wanted to get some lunch with me"
     I shrugged and spoke "ja, I'm kinda hungry. You coming Frey?" She nodded as we started towards the door. Meghan asked "so how're you settling in Aksel?" I answered honestly "you know pretty well all things considered, something about this place makes me feel at home" she nodded and replied "that's good, a couple of our operators have had a hard time settling in with how hot it is here" Freyja confirmed "my friend Grace, you've met Grace right?" I nodded as Freyja continued "she's from Korea and this oppressive African heat made her shift from England to here rough" I replied and spoke "reminds me of my first time in the sandbox" Meghan asked "so who have you met yet?" I replied after thinking about it "I think I met everyone except for Kaid and caviera" Freyja spoke "you probably won't get to meet Taina for a bit, she's always wary of new operators" I shrugged and spoke "eventually I'll get to know her, regardless I'm here to do a job" Freyja patted my shoulder "still the same as when we were kids" I rolled my eyes but smiled.
We walked in to the mess hall and got in line, I asked Meghan "so why'd you come find Freyja and I?" She looked surprised at the question before Freyja spoke "he'll always find the alternate motive, best to answer him" Meghan replied to my question after getting her meal "I wanted to get to know freyja's mystery brother, we never knew you existed until you got recruited." I looked at Freyja and asked "never said anything about me? Never mentioned me?" She shrugged and replied "nej, I thought you wanted to be alone. I asked mor(mom) if you had written and she said nej" I nodded accepting the fact that my family had thought I wanted to be left alone. I had spent so much time with my team and platoon that I didn't think about writing home, a mistake I'd be better to correct. Meghan asked "so have you two ever been on a team together?" I shook my head no "we always got put on different teams to try to lower the probability we both die if a mission goes bad" Freyja confirmed "the Queen quoted the Sole Survivor policy from World War II"
      Meghan nodded as we sat down and started eating, eventually Sebastien and Sanaa joined us. I talked with Sanaa about her launcher before asking "would you be willing to hit me with it?" She looked at me like I was crazy and asked slowly "let me get this straight.... you want me.... to hit you with an air jab..... to experience it?" I nodded enthusiastically as Sebastien spoke "only if I get to record it" Sanaa shrugged and said "sure, I'll hit you with my air jab. I don't wanna hear about it if you get hurt" I waved her off as Freyja said "I'll send it to mor, let her know you haven't changed" I just laughed as Meghan asked "what do you mean?" Freyja explained "when we were kids every time we got a bit of time off from our parents strict lessons we would go and explode the woods surrounding our mansion. We'd test things and Aksel was always willing to be the guinea pig if it meant he got a new experience. I remember he practiced shooting his bow upside down just so he could say that was a skill he possessed" I chuckled in embarrassment rubbing the back of my neck.
Sebastien asked "can you actually shoot your bow upside down?" I nodded and replied "ja, it's not as hard as it sounds once you get it down" I stood and brought my empty tray to the collection point before sitting back in my spot on the bench next to Sanaa when I noticed she was missing some fingers. I asked "so Sanaa, what happened to your fingers?" She lifted her hand and asked "what? These?" I nodded like it was obvious "it's pretty unusual for someone to be missing fingers" she replied "oh, I lost them to frostbite while exploring" I asked another question "do you travel often?" She nodded and answered "as much as I can, I love been training to cross Antarctica alone for a while now" I replied in slight awe "that's a bold mission, where'd you pick that one up?" She replied "history, I want to be the first one to do it. I know I can just a question of how many tries will it take" I spoke "well I think you can do it, it's just a matter of mental strength right?" She just laughed while nodding.
      After a while we heard the announcement to head to the sim room since the sim was scheduled to start in 10 minutes. I pushed myself up and stretched with a yawn to which Sebastien commented "I feel that" I chuckled as Meghan spoke "I'm exhausted, we had to do inspection today and holy shit. Marius and Bandit had so many infractions" I asked "those are the two German ones, nej(no)?" Freyja nodded and explained "they're the pranksters of the team, they take pride in their ability to prank anyone on base. They only failed once and that was their own doing." Sanaa spoke "one time they put duct tape across out dorm room door and waited until one of us got up. Craig walked right into it, we had to cut the duct tape out of his beard" I shivered at the mental sensation before I commented "sounds like it's borderline war crimes" Meghan groaned "I wish it was, they're pranks are so well thought out it's hard to avoid them until after you hit them. They've never once repeated a prank" Sebastien confirmed "out of the 86 pranks they've pulled on me, they've all been different. Never had the same one"
Freyja opened the door to the room and held it as we walked through, everyone said thank you except for me as I just stared at her in superiority as I walked through. I could tell she wanted to hit me. I mentally chuckled before sitting down with our small group and talking, I looked at Meghan as she spoke "you know, one time I was with the Us Army Rangers and they were, well they got bored and started doing donuts with the Humvee" Sebastien nodded and spoke "I've done them with snowmobiles before, that was definitely an... experience" Sanaa asked "so Aksel what's the craziest thing you've done on a deployment?" I answered easily "I cleared a house with my bow before, oh and I played Rock Paper Scissors while sky diving" I only received looks of shock before Freyja commented "seems like you" I nodded as Meghan asked "did you win? The Rock Paper Scissors game?" I shook my head no "my friend fairy, she was a beast at the game. No idea how she was that good" we laughed as Harry walked in and started getting everyone's attention.

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