1 and a half years late(Finale)

439 7 10

Aksel's pov
      I looked to my left as we snuck through the forest following the lead of Vigil, Nomad spoke from behind me "when we get back wanna go on another date?" I replied "I've got the perfect idea" she went to reply as Blackbeard spoke "let's focus on the mission, you two can talk about your date after we get extracted" I whispered to Nomad "he's just jealous" she giggled before we fell into silence and came to a stop on the edge of the forest. I looked across the opening to the group of buildings, I heard Kali on comms "I've got eyes on 8 targets on the roof" Blackbeard replied "drop them, we'll move in after you clean up" she replied "sit tight, I'll let you know when I've mopped up" I leaned against a tree trunk with Nomad leaning against me, I let my arm lay over her shoulder as we heard the distant suppressed shots of Kali's high powered rifle. Lesion spoke "that thing sounds mean" I heard Blackbeard "Snipers always are" we just chuckled as we looked over to the group of buildings seeing Masks getting ripped off the roofs as .338 lapua rounds tore through them.
I looked at Blackbeard and spoke "think we can get back to base soon? I wanna go to sleep" he chuckled before speaking "depends how fast we get to the objective" I looked forward and muttered "the mastermind behind the FOB 7 attack. You better hope I don't get my hands on him" Nomad spoke sternly "you will not kill our HVT" I sighed but looked away as Kali came over comms "area clear, the rest is up to you" we pushed ourselves up and let our bags drop to the ground before we started jogging across the field trying to cover the open ground before I gripped my 416. I heard Blackbeard "Onyx, you're our point" I nodded and moved to the front of the stack before putting a breaching charge on the door lifting the detonator waiting until Blackbeard nodded to me and I hit the clacker. The charge went off and I grabbed my 416 lifting it as I turned to the right and fired as I saw two masks lift L85s. I shifted my aim to the left as I saw something hurry into the corner only to see a woman hiding in the corner.
I helped her stand and saw she was only in undergarments, I asked "were you forced to be here?" She nodded as I pulled a blanket off the bed and wrapped her in it before radioing "watch your fire there may be civilians on site" I heard the AC -130 crew "were bingo fuel" I sighed but lifted my 416 and reentered the fray. Eventually I got stuck chauffeuring Civilians out of the house, I didn't mind it as it meant these people got home to their families. I heard Nomad on comms "we've got eyes on the target, moving to apprehend" I listened with tense silence before the building erupted in an explosion. My eyes widened as I watched the fireball and felt the overpressure before I yelled "Sanaa!" And started running towards the building. Kali radioed "we've got a detonation, we need QRF and Casevac on target Now!" Harry replied "they're already on their way" as I started frantically digging through the rubble searching for any sign of my girlfriend. I heard the chopping of helicopter blades as I continued to dig. Eventually I got pulled off the rubble by Nøkk as she hugged me tightly.
      I balled into her he chest plate as I tightly gripped her uniform, as I heard her whisper "Jeg ved, jeg ved, at du gør ondt, og jeg vil have dig til at vide, at det bliver okay, og jeg er her(I know, I know you're hurting and I want you to know it's gonna be okay and I'm here)" I continued to cry as she whispered consolation into my ears. I heard Mira behind Nøkk "we're leaving, I know this is a sensitive time but command wants us to pull back while conventional forces recover our lost" I got pulled to my feet as the chinook landed and we walked towards it. One of the women I escorted out of the building ran up and stopped us looking at me and speaking "thank you.... for saving my family" I nodded and tried to force a smile before Nøkk guided me onto the helicopter and I sat down staring into the distance not reacting to anything that happened around me. When we landed I got guided to an interrogation room and Harry walked in, I didn't react didn't even blink just continued to stare at the wall.
      He sat infront of me and asked "Aksel, can you hear me?" Again all I did is stared through him, I felt detached. I wanted to answer him but couldn't, no matter what I wanted to do I sat in the seat immobile. It barely felt like I was alive as Harry asked "do you blame yourself?" I wanted to answer, I even thought the answer my voice never picked up. Harry sighed and pulled out a paper and spoke "I'm getting you medically discharged from the military, you'll be home in a weeks time. I am truly sorry about your loss, I know you two were deeply in love" I stared forward as he walked to the door only to tell freyja "He's catatonic, doesn't respond to anything. I'm afraid I've no choice but to discharge him. Can you make the arrangements?" Freyja replied shakily "ja, can I go spend a couple days with him when he goes home?" Harry hesitated for a moment before replied "I'll get the leave forms" I was guided back to the dorm before Freyja sat me down and started packing our bags.
Freyja's pov
       I was talking with my mom "han har været mere aktiv på det seneste, han begynder måske at komme tilbage til os(he's been more active lately, he might be starting to come back to us)" my mother was about to start talking when a singular shot rang out. I instinctively pulled my pistol only to remember I'm in Denmark and my brother is in the depths of a depression. I rushed the bathroom and opened it seeing him bloody and holding his service pistol, I picked up the note and read it "I'm sorry but I cant go on, everywhere I look I see her. I long to hold her again and to be happy, I feel empty. I feel like my place on this earth isn't mine anymore. I hope you can understand, love Aksel Niels" I heard mom wail behind me and I holstered my pistol and we embraced crying at the loss of another family member.
1 week later
I stood next to Mom dressed in black as I watched his coffin get lowered into the hole, I smiled faintly and mumbled "I hope you find her, I hope you're happy now" as we buried him. My mother burrowed into my shoulder as we watched the person we knew since birth get laid to rest before us. Mom mumbled "hvorfor skulle han gøre det?(why'd he have to do it?)" I replied with so much emotion it sounded emotionless "han savnede hendes mor, han har såret så længe. han var forelsket i hende som dig og pappa, du ville ikke fortsætte uden ham, han kunne ikke uden hende(he missed her mama, he's been hurting so long. He was in love with her like you and papa you didn't want to go on without him, he couldn't without her)" she whispered through her tears "Jeg kan ikke tro, han er væk(I can't believe he's gone)" I nodded and replied mournfully "mig enten mor, mig heller(me either mama, me either)"

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