The begininning of Operation Amber Sky

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Aksel's pov
I looked at Harry as he spoke "we're sending a unit to work with the Ghosts to stop the selling of the amber ruin gas, I've selected you 5 to be the ones we're sending" I looked around the room and saw Ash, Thatcher, Finka, Nomad and myself. I raised my hand and asked "why us?" He looked at me and replied "you're our resident stealth expert, ash our demolitions expert, thatcher is our expert in electronic destruction, Finka is our CBRN expert and Nomad is our area denial operator. All of your expertises will be useful in preventing the gas to fall into hands it shouldn't" I shrugged and accepted the reasoning before Harry spoke "we're taking the place of a mask Lieutenant who's supposed to fly in to offer a bid for the gas" nomad asked "how're we gonna pass through?" Harry explained "we're gonna fly you in but you're gonna have to LALO jump in, we can't risk sentinel or the masks catching wind of your insertion" we nodded as Harry ordered "go get your gear and suppressors, this is a silent mission. Try to stay low profile unless you're attacking a target. Lesion is gonna be coordinating between us and ghost recon"
      We all stood as Harry spoke "get ready and head out to the airstrip, there's a passenger plane waiting for you. The parachutes are on it, dismissed" we all jogged to our dorms and grabbed our uniforms and gear. I pulled my bow off the hook I hanged it on and looked over the wood before I grabbed my quiver and tightly bound the arrows together before I grabbed my extra mags and walked out. I waited for Sanaa, I watched her walk past me before I whistled and spoke "didn't notice me huh?" She jumped and looked at me "how long have you been there?" I shrugged and replied "maybe a minute" she shook her head and motioned me to follow her "let's go, we've gotta get on the plane" I pushed off the wall and gripped my bow. I heard Sanaa ask "so why do you use a bow?" I looked at it and replied "it's silent. The only think anyone hears is a soft 'thwick' it's perfect for being stealthy" she nodded and asked "how'd you get permission to use it on ops?" I replied simply "I just made a case for it's use"
She nodded as we walked out and saw a small twin engined aircraft with Lera in the back, we climbed in and sat down as Lera asked "ready to do this?" I looked over and shrugged as Sanaa spoke "I hate these missions, always get so nervous around these chemical weapons" I looked out to the left wind and saw Eliza and Mike walking towards the plane. I commented "guess we're on our way soon" we saw the pair climb on and the door got pulled shut by Mike. Sanaa, Eliza and I double checked our gas masks before I looked at Mike and asked "so what's the plan?" He looked over and asked "why am I who you think is leading this?" I shrugged and replied "experience?" He chuckled and replied "Lera is in charge this time lad" I looked at her and asked "so what's the plan?" She replied "we get on the ground meet with Nomad, the ghost on the ground and then we decide what target we hit first" I heard Sanaa "nomad? That's me?" Eliza spoke "she's also called nomad, we'll figure out another temporary callsign for you Sanaa"
      I leaned back and closed my eyes falling asleep in general uncomfortableness, when I woke up we were in Egypt refueling. I looked around and asked jokingly "hey San' wanna go see the pyramids?" She looked at me and shrugged "sure, why not? I've wanted to see them again for a while" Mike spoke sternly "no, you're stayin right 'ere" I rolled my eyes and whispered to Sanaa "he's a buzzkill" she giggled as Mike glared at me. I asked tensely "hvad?(what?)"  he muttered "how are you here?" I replied simply "because I've mastered the ability to become undetectable to anyone I don't want knowing I'm there. I can kill you before you know anyone is there" he sighed and shook his head as Eliza asked "is this gonna be a pissing contest now?" I shook my head and replied "nej, I do my job. I don't know about our friend Mike here but you don't have to worry about me" Mike grumbled out "naw, I'll be fine." I smiled and spoke "good, we won't have any problems" Mike grumbled about my ego as Sanaa whispered "you shouldn't get on Mike's bad side, he has a lot of say at rainbow six." I looked over and asked "hvad? Is he gonna get me sent back to the Jaegers? So what, this is just doing riskier Jaeger missions"
Mike spoke "just because you have an ego doesn't mean I'm gonna launch a campaign to get you dismissed. I heard good things about you from FOB 7" I shrugged and heard the Pilot "we'll be on our way to India and then Australia before we arrive at auroa" I sighed as I realized how long a flight this'll be. Lera spoke "get comfortable, we will be long flight." I heard Sanaa "hopefully we get some time to get used to the area before we start doing our strikes" I heard Eliza speak "we're gonna be there for a bit, you'll get used to it before we leave" I asked "how long did Harry say again? A week?" Mike nodded as I sighed and spoke "didn't even say bye to Frey" Eliza commented "you two are closer than I thought you'd be" I looked over and asked "why?" She replied "I don't know, she never spoke about you but now that you're here you're almost inseparable" I replied "we're independent but we've been like that since we were kids. We can do stuff alone but we've always done it together, always had each other's back."
       Eliza spoke "the opposite of mine, my sister and I have always been at odds with one another" I nodded as Eliza continued "we never got along and always had to do things to try to top each other" I revealed "you know how most siblings have a passive sibling rivalry?" The other nodded as I finished "freyja and I's was always more proactive, we did everything together but we always had to be better than the other. It was a constant battle and there were many physical fights over accusations of cheating" Mike just chuckled while Sanaa asked "who won?" I spoke "depends on the day, time, planets position and whether or not Freyja kicked me in the nuts" Mike winced as Eliza nodded "seems like something she'd do" I sighed and spoke "if we ever got to fighting our parents staff would break us up since my mom would pitch a fit when we hurt each other. It got worse when my little brother got born, we'd fight over who was the better older sibling"
Lera commented "you two are very competitive" I nodded and spoke "my brother Otto, he's the complete opposite of Freyja and I. We struck out and made our way in the world, Otto took over the company and did what my parents wanted Freyja and I to do" they nodded before I looked at Mike who stayed quiet for most of the conversation and asked "what about you old timer? What's your family like?" He replied gruffly "me brother, keep havin to pull 'im out of debt. He's got a gambling problem" I nodded as Eliza spoke "paulie right?" Mike nodded and spoke "te dumbarse, all he has to do is stop gamblin." I chuckled causing everyone to zero in on me as I explained "sounds like Freyja and I when we got told about otto's expenses. He keeps buying super cars he never drives as company expenses" the nodded slowly as Sanaa spoke "I'm an only child so I never experienced any of this" I heard Lera "I to am lone child. My mother didnt want more children after doctors found disease" i looked at her incredulously "you have a disease?" She nodded as I commented "never would've guessed, what disease? Like, what does it do?"
She explained "I slowly lose feeling in my nerve causing me to not be able to move, the nanobots I bring to the team help counteract this and allow me to operate" I shook my head "that's got to be a tough life" Eliza spoke "not the comfortable one you're used to living?" I looked at her and replied "just because my far(dad) was rich, doesn't mean I didn't struggle. I just had different struggles than financial. My parents expected me to be perfect in school, I got punished if I didn't get an A+. I had to be the best archer ever or my far(dad) was ruthless in his berating. We had our own problems being rich doesn't solve all of them, besides I'm still here on the team" she lifted her hands in surrender "easy killer, I never said you didn't deserve to be on the team" I heard Sanaa ask tiredly "can we stop interrogating Aksel before a big mission? You can do it when we get back to the fortress" I chuckled as I asked teasingly "tired of learning all my dark secrets?" She rolled her eyes and replied "no, just trying to sleep"

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