Sparks Fly: Chapter 7

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~~~~~Jen’s POV~~~~~

We headed home.. the guys were gonna be a bit, but we got escorted back to our houses, one of their bodyguards clearing each house before seeing us in. Me and Nessa to mine and Harry’s and Ele insisted on being in Louis the doors dead bolted.. I tried to convince her to stay with me.... but she refused.. wanted to just go to bed...

"You going to bed yet Nessie?" I asked her, as we both came out of our rooms in our jammies.

She shook her head as she threw her hair up into a messy bun.

"I don't know if I'll be able to sleep without Niall."

"Awwww, so seriously, without them butting in how are things with you an Nialler?!" I giggled, as we plopped down on the couch. She was eyeing me.. almost as if she could read me... She always had been able to.. even over the Internet... don't ask me how!

"Everything's...well...kind of...." she smiled and giggled. "Phenominiall. He's sweet, funny, adorable and he didn't freak out when I told him I was a......ya know?"

"A virgin?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Yeah that." she answered. "He's the only guy I've ever dated who hasn't pressured me to give it up."

"That's why Niall is so amazing..." I giggled.

"He really us," she blushed and tucked her feet up under her. "So tell me more about you and Haziebear."

"Harry and i.. well, we're perfect.. 6 months together.... and he's just.. perfect.. so loving.. so sweet.. and sure he's a goofball, but when it's just him and I.. I feel like I'm the only girl in the entire universe....." I smiled.

"Awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!" swooned Nessie. "That's so cute!!"

"Yeah he's my everything.. I love him... so much... and I just wish... I dunno is it too soon to want more?" I asked, softly.

"If you really love each other then there never is a too soon." she smiled.

"I just wonder if.... he wants..... to... get married someday.. or ummm maybe.. have kids," I choked out.

"I'm no Phoebe Halliwell or anything and I can't see the future....but from the way he looks at you...I think he does."

"I hope so..." I said, softly, "I just... I.... Nessa.. I'm late.." I felt like I was dying.. today.. that fight, terrified me... all I could do was protect my stomach...... anything I could to block those blows.... Her hazel eyes rounded and her mouth dropped open like a goldfish.

"Do you think you''re?..... Pregnant?"

I nodded, tears in my eyes, "Yes..... but... he's only 18 Nessa... what if it's too much!!! What if he doesn't stay?!"

"Jen, Haz may be young, but he's fiercely loyal." she encouraged, reaching out to take my hand. "Not only that, but he loves you to death. He'd risk his own life for you." she added.

"Really? You think so?!" I asked, wiping my eyes, as the guys came in laughing and pushing one another.

"We'll talk about this later...but yes." she whispered, "Hello boys vas happening?"

Zayn chuckled, "Hey! That's my line!" I giggled a bit and Harry's face went from playful to concerned.

"Babe... why are you crying?" he asked.

“Oh.. she's just... a little shaken up from today still... it finally hit her when we got home.." Nessa covered. Harry vaulted over the back of the couch...almost landing on Vanessa I might add and locked his arms around me.

Sparks Fly: Sparks Fly Series Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now