Sparks Fly: Chapter 4

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Vanessa's POV

Niall walked me home and we went in and immediately, we both regretted it.

"HARRY!!! OH GOD FUCK YES!" We heard Jen screaming.

"OH ew! Get me out of here!" I said, covering my ears, and rushing back outside, Niall in complete hysterics and rolling in the grass from laughter.

"It's not fuuuunnny!!" I moaned, stamping my feet. "My little, innocent, Aussie ears did not need to here that!"

"Oh baby, if you're gonna live here... you might want too! Those guys are like rabbits!" he choked out between laughter.I screwed up my face.

"Ewwwwww.... that's wonderful." I said flopping down onto the grass beside him. He pulled me to him and leaned over me, leaning his head on his elbow to look down at me. He brushed my hair back, then kissed my lips softly. I melted into the kiss, tangled my fingers into his blonde hair and wrapped my right leg over his left. He seemed to tense a bit, his hand gripping my hair gently, and the kiss became a bit deeper.. more passionate.

"Um hey guys! That's not a place you wanna fuck!" Zayn said, walking buy with a grocery bag in his hand, heading to his apartment.

"Perfect timing Malik." I heard Niall growl. He turned his head and called out to him over his shoulder.

"Haven't you got somewhere else to be...somewhere that's......not here?!??!"

"Yes, it's why I headed there!" Zayn called back.

"Ni.... it's okay.... we can... go to your place... I'm sure our lips work just fine over there..." I whispered.

"They probably work better." he smirked pulling me to my feet.

I giggled, "Possible... let's go find out..."

"Fine by me." We walked casually up to his condo, trying not to attract attention. However as soon as that door was shut and locked...the real fun began. He pinned my back to his kitchen floor and crawled between my legs, his hands by my head and my legs wrapped around his waist, kissing feverishly. I was lost in him, and I almost forgot that this was surreal only an hour ago. Our lips parted with a soundly smack and we were both breathing heavily.

"I have never been so turned on by a woman this quickly before." he moaned.

"Oh.. god Ni.. I..." I stuttered. How do you tell a guy like him you've NEVER been turned out.. that you were a virgin...

"What's up Nessie?" he asked, concern crossing his beautiful features.

"I've never......" I whispered.

"Never wh-.. oh..... OH! Um.. okay.. do you want to slow down...." he whispered, a look of guilt now over his face. I looked at him shyly.

"I want badly....but I'm just.....kinda's all new to me."

"Then why rush? I don't want your first time to be in the heat of the moment.... I want it perfect for you..." he said, brushing my hair back, then helping me up and hugging me gently to his chest.

"thank you." I whispered, laying my head on his chest, "no guy I've been with before has been willing to do that for me."

"Well, I'm not just any guy... am i?" he chuckled, softly.

I giggled lightly and shook my head. "Absolutely not. You're much more than that....gosh I sound like a Hallmark card."

"It's okay.. I like it.... let's go see if those two horn balls are done, so I can tuck you in Nessie, then turned his back to me and kneeled down.

"Hop on baby...." he said.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"Get on my back... I'll carry you..." he said.

"awwww why thank you kind sir." I hopped onto his back and he stood up then bounced me a few times.

"don't you drop me Horan." I teased.

"I won't.." he promised and held my legs tightly and walked us toward the house, then went in to a quiet house. Niall gently took me up to the guest room and let me change into my pajamas, him turning politely, then tucking me into bed.

"Thank you for tonight." I smiled, getting comfy. "I had fun."

"So did I.. nite beautiful..." he said, kissed my forehead, then exited. I closed my eyes and was about to drift off when someone bounced into my bed.

"Tell me all about it!" Jen's hushed whispered begged me.

"All done with Harry?" I teased, sitting up.

"How?! Oh gosh did you come home in the middle of that?!" she asked, her cheeks flushing, even thru the dark.

"Sweety, you could hear the 2 of you from the front door." then I laughed, “but yes... Ni and I walked in...but we left straight away I promise."

"Oh gosh.. I'm sorry," she blushed, 'I can't help it.. he's just so... good..."

"Hey there's nothing wrong with that. If he makes you happy and you like each other than go for it. And it's your house, it's none of my business what you do in your own house."

"Well, we love each other Nessie.. we've been together about gosh almost 6 months..." she said, softly.

I smiled widely, I was so happy for her. "good, you deserve someone who makes you feel like that."

"I just can't believe it's him! I mean if you had told me a year ago I'd be living with Harry Styles, sleeping with him and he'd be in love with me.. I'd think you were on something..." she giggled.

"I'd say the same thing if you told me I'd be on a date with Niall Horan, and kissing him AND him asking me to be his girlfriend all in one night." I said tucking my feet under me.

"Oh my gosh!! really?! Oh... but.. Nessie.... you are only here for a couple weeks.. what are you gonna do when you have to go home?!" she asked. My face fell and I sighed heavily.

"I have no clue Jeny....I guess we'll just see what happens...who knows, maybe I'll end up staying."

"You'd stay?!" she asked, her eyes bright in surprise, "You'd leave Australia... your family... your friends?!" I nod slowly.

"For him, for you,,,,yeah I would. My family have been saying that I need to let lose and live a little anyway. And that I need to get out there and see the world, try new thing."

"Oh... well gosh you are welcome to stay here.... as long as you need to, before ya know you and Niall make the step of living together..." she smiled. I blushed deep red and played with the sheets.

"you think he'd want me to live with him?"

"I'm sure he would.. even let you have the guest room at his place till you were comfy..." she nodded. I laughed and yawned.

"We'll just have to see won't we? I'll tell you more in the morning. Jet lag's kicking in and I'm exhausted."

"Alright, night girly, love you!" she said, hugged me and headed out. I snuggled down into the blankets and fell asleep...replaying the events of today over and over in my head. Life was so good right now.

Sparks Fly: Sparks Fly Series Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now