Sparks Fly: Chapter 5

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Nessa’s POV

I woke the next morning and went down to the kitchen to see a butt ass naked harry styles moving about the kitchen.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH MY EYES!!!!!" I squealed as I pulled my tank top up to shield the nakedness.

"Oh crap.. sorry Nessa... I kinda forgot you were here...." he chuckled, "I'll go get some boxers on..." I heard him head out and then him and Jen's bedroom door close. I slowly moved my shirt down and seen it was clear, before I went over to get some coffee.

"He was nakie again wasn't he?" came a voice from behind.

"Oh shit!" I jumped and turned around to see a smirking Jen. I picked a tea towel up and threw it at her.

"Don't do that! You know I'm jumpy!"

"Sorry.... so my baby walking around in the buff?" she asked.

"Umm yeah..." I blushed.

"Nice huh?" she winked.

"No actually, a full frontal Haz is more your thing." I said, picking up my coffee and flopping down on the couch.

"I'd rather see a full frontal Niall." I muttered to myself.

"Good to know love...." a voice said from beside me. I looked over to see Niall coming in the living room from the back sliding door.

"Hiiiiii," I swooned, tilting my head back to take in as much sexiness as I could, "Whatcha doing here?"

"I came to see my girlfriend..." he said, leaning down to lean his hands on the back of the couch and kissing my lips softly, "My beautiful sexy Australian girlfriend in her jammies...." I blushed tomato red and bit my lower lip.

"Niall's got a girlfriend! Niall's got a girlfriend!" said Harry in a teasing voice as he came into the living room, thankfully wearing boxers.

"Mmm, I do.... with lips like candy.." he cooed, kissing mine again, 'I like candy..."

"I do to." I smiled. "And you can kiss them again in a minute...I have to go and wash my eyes out with soap to cleanse them after seeing a naked Harry."

"Hey!!! it's not that bad..." Harry pouted, sticking his tongue out at me.

"While that may be true, that view is reserved for Jen. I don't need to see it." I giggles, getting to my feet.

"well, still.... low blow.." he whined.

"No this is.." Niall smirked and tapped him in his crotch... That game.. I never understand it.

"Hey! Hand off the merchandise Horan!" Jen said pointing a finger at him.

"Come on babe.. it's a joke we play..' harry grunted thru his slight pain.

"Oh yeah.. looks like you're having a blast.." Jen smirked.

"It's a guy thing Jen." Niall explained. I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom and turned the shower on.

"Baby!!!" Niall whined outside the door, "I gotta pee... can I come in?!"

"Ummmm..... okay." I said nervously, unlocking the door. Why the frick was I so nervous? It's just Niall, he's my boyfriend that sort of stuff shouldn't scare me.

"Are you decent?! do you want me to wait?" he asked softly, "I don't want you uncomfortable...."

"No it's okay, I'm decent." I opened the door and showed him. "See, still in pj's."

"Okay.. thanks baby..." he said, kissed my cheek and went straight to the restroom and without even thinking pulled it out and began to use the bathroom. I turned around and blushed furiously. Holy crap.. I just saw.. his... oh my gosh...

"That's better," he sighed as he put....his little friend back in his jeans and flushed the toilet. I tried to hide my blushing while he washed his hands....but I don't think it worked.

"Sorry.. i couldn't hold it..." he said, "And you're adorable when you blush..." He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek.

"No I'm nooooot." I whined, covering my face with my hair, "I blush way to friggin' easily. I hate it."

"I think it's adorable..." he chuckled, "Hurry with your shower.... we got a gig tonight.. I want you to come with..."

"Okay I'll be quick." I said pecking him on the lips, "Please make sure Styles is covered up when I'm done."

"I will..." he said, kissed me once more then headed out. I kept my eyes on his arse as he left and resisted the urge to reach out and slap it....focus Vanessa....shower...then smutty thoughts about boyfriend. I turned on some music and stepped into the shower. When I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, the image of Jen and Haz making out smacked me in the face.

"God... guys..." I whined.

"Mmm, well hello baby...." Niall said, smirking at me in that towel.

I laughed. "Eyes up here babe." I said pointing to my eyes, then walking into my room. I got dressed, then headed out to meet everyone.

"We ready now?" Harry asked, as Niall came over to lift me up and kiss me, twirling me around.

"Yes Haz." I giggled as Ni placed me on my feet again, "You know, this will be my first 1D concert."

"Oh my gosh! Really?" Niall asked, excitedly.I nodded.

"Yup, I missed out on tickets when you were in Aus earlier this year, which made me really sad." I pouted.

"Awww, well baby, now you'll be front row with Jen and Eleanor...." Niall said, taking my hand.

"And you're to pay attention to the rest of the crowd Niall." Harry smirked. "Not just her."

"I know.. I know... but it'll be my first time having MY girl in the audience... let's see if they tell me I'm ugly and don't belong now!" my boyfriend smirked.

"If they do I will take great pleasure and pride to smack their faces in with a crowbar." I smirked, lacing my fingers with Niall's.

“Awww baby, you're so sweet..." he said, kissing my lips.

“Alright, let's go..." harry chuckled, leading us out, all the guys outside waiting for us... Louis' fingers linked with Eleanor's. Liam looked a little sad.....

"Okay...when did this happen?" Louis said while pointing at mine and Niall's intertwined fingers?

"Didn't you only meet like....yesterday?"

"Well yesterday.. if you must know.." Niall grinned.

"Awwwwwww." Ele cooed. "That's so romantic."

"Yeah, yeah romantic we get it, let's go. We can't keep fans waiting." Liam said climbing into the car. Jen gave him a sympathetic look.

She whispered to me, "Danielle left him...."

"Ohhhhhh." I whispered back. "Poor guy, hopefully a concert will cheer him up."

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