Sparks Fly: Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

I woke the next morning to me beautiful pregnant girlfriend wrapped in my arms... pregnant... I was gonna be a daddy.. I was so excited I almost couldn't stand it.... I let her sleep and went to get the mail, only to find a box on the steps, addressed to Jen.... Weird... I brought it in and opened it.. only to find roses with a note and a dead rat.

"what the fuckery?!" I whispered to myself. I'd better get rid of this before Jen.

"Babe?" came her voice from the stairs. Fuck! Quick! I aimed for the trash but Jen appeared out of nowhere and snatched it away.

"Oooo, long box.. flowers for me baby?!" she cooed, before opening them and screaming, tossing it across the table.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" she cried.

 "I had nothing to do with it I swear!" I yelled sticking my hands up in defense.

"I went to get the mail and the box was addressed to you, I opened it and felt like hurling. I had nothing to do with it I swear."

"Oh my god.. who?! why?!" she cried, b efore reaching for the note.

"Enjoy him while you can bitch..... You won't get away with stealing him from us...." she read aloud. I snatched the note away and ripped it up then held her tight.

"I promise babe, we are going to find whichever sick bastard did this to you and they are going to pay."

"Your fans.... they did this. one of those sick teeny boppers...OH god.. Oh Harry.." she panicked, touching her stomach, " What if they.. find out.. what if they try to hurt our baby!"

"Shhhhhhhh." I grabbed her face gently and made her look at me.

"They will not hurt your or the baby. To do that they are going to have to go through me....and Vanessa and the boys...but mainly me." She nodded and buried her face in my chest. This was all so terrifying........

"Do we call the police?" she asked, softly.

"You bet we do." I grabbed the phone and called the police and soon the were knocking at the door. We answered them and took the box and bagged the flowers, the pieces of the note, and the rat.

“Next time.. don't tears the note.. it's harder to get fingerprints..." a cop scolded.

"NEXT TIME?!" Jen panicked.

"Calm down babe," I soothed while rubbing her back and sending the cop a 'shut the fuck up or I will beat you' look.

"I'm sorry if the news is upsetting, but this may be a stalker.. and stalkers don't stop till they are caught..... this wont be the first or the last note or phone call.... So save your angry looks for someone else Mr. Styles!' The cop said.

"I'll keep that in mind." I growled as I felt Jen's body start to tremble in my arms. "We'll keep in touch."

"Alright.." I said, and they exited with their evidence.

'Oh god.. Oh god.. Harry.. next time.. a stalker.. oh god.. i can never leave the house," my Jeny rambled.

"Jenny....listen to me babe." I soothed, stroking her hair, "They are not going to get away with this. I give you my word as your boyfriend that I will keep you safe."

"I know you'll do your best..." she said, softly.

 "I'll do more than that." I kissed her gently and held her so close to me.  She hugged me back, and then Nessa came bursting thru the door.

'What's wrong?! what happened?! Why the cops?!" she was panting, Niall not far behind.

"Woah!!! Chill, calm down." I said.

Sparks Fly: Sparks Fly Series Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now