Sparks Fly: Chapter 9

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Jen’s POV

I had just left the doctor’s office, Harry was at home waiting patiently to hear the news... I was pregnant.... and he was gonna be a father.. and the fans now had one more reason to hate me.....

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from Harry.

"Hi baby, I miss you. Hurry home. Love me xx"

"omw home love u xoxo" I sent back.

I was so nervous.. how on earth was he going to react?! I drove home in silence and entered the house nervously to see Vanessa and the rest of the band in the living room.

"Hi." I said shakily, shutting the door and wiggling out of my jacket.

"Hey babe." Harry said. He came over and kissed me sweetly, then led me over to the couch an sat me on his lap.

"Harry..." I whispered, softly, kissing just below his ear to get his attention.

"Mmmmm. Yes love?" he murmured, as my lips gently grazed his skin.

"I went to the doctor today..." I said, softly.

"And.......did you get the results?" he asked while running his hand up and down my leg.

"Yes...." I choked out.

"Yes you got the results?" he started.

"Or yes you are......" His words trailed off, but his eyes never left mine. I prayed a silent prayer that that was a good sign.

"Both...... i got the results and yes I am...." I said, softly, stroking his curls back from his forehead, my hand shaking.  The corners of his lips turned up into a massive grin and his arms wrapped themselves around me in an enormous bear hug.

"Oh my gosh!!!! That's amazing!!!"

“Really?! You mean it?!" I smiled brightly.

"of course I mean it," he whispered kissing my lips sweetly, "You're the only one I'd want to have kids with. It's completely amazing!!!"

“What?! What's amazing?!" Eleanor asked confused from Louis' lap.

"Jen and I are going to start a family!" He gushed.

"A baby?! Jen.. you're pregnant?!?!??! you know for sure?!" Nessa asked me. I nodded.

"Ahhhhh!!!! I'm going to be an auntie!!!! Well...not by blood but by bond cause we are practically sister after all and oh gosh I'm babbling." I giggled and rolled my eyes at her silliness.

"And you Mr. Styles, are gonna be a father..... I'm stealing the rest of your young adulthood..." I giggled, looking back at Harry, kissing his lips softly. He smiled and laid his forehead on mine. "And I am more than okay with that." he whispered.

"Good......" I grinned and kissed his lips.

"Awwwwwwww!!!!" swooned Ness and Eleanor.

"You two are so darn cute." Ele giggled, laying her head on Louis' shoulder.

"Thanks," I blushed, leaning my head back on Harry's shoulder.

"Heeeeeeyyyyy!!!!" Louis protested, looking down at Ele.

"You told me I was cute." He jutted his lower lip out and the girls and I busted out laughing. He looked just like a toddler.

"You are.. so cute..' Ele giggled and pecked his lips. He smirked and led her closer.

"That's better."

"So did you find out how far along you are?" Harry questioned.

"Umm about 12 weeks......" I said, "I thought I was just getting a bit bloated this week." I lifted my shirt to show a tiny tummy.

Harry smiled and kissed my tummy gently.

"hi baby." he cooed. "It's daddy, I love you." I think my heart burst with flowers and butterflies covered in glitter... cutest thing ever.....

"Oh honey..." I cooed, petting her head.

"That is going to be one good looking baby." Nessie giggled while she played with Niall's fingers.

"It sure is... he or she is gonna have those beautiful curls daddy has..." I cooed, kissing the tip of Harry’s nose.

"And he or she will have those stunning eyes and beautiful smile that Mummy has." he swooned.

“okay.. the sweetness in this room is overwhelming.. I think I just became diabetic," Liam teased.

"Shut up Li." Harry laughed, chucking a cushion at him.

"He does have a point though." Ele smiled.

"Then maybe they should go.. and we can celebrate proper?" I cooed, kissing harry just below his ear again.. I know it's his weakness. He moaned gently and smirked at the others.

"You heard the lady. Scram!" They all got up and headed out the door, Nessa hugging me a bit longer than the rest.

"I'm so happy for you babe," she whispered in my ear, "And FYI I am going to spoil my future niece or nephew rotten."

"I know you are.. but I think it'll be a girl.... just a feeling..." I giggled and seen everyone to the door.

"Bye!!' i said, waving to everyone as they left, then closing the door behind them. Harry wasted no time in lifting me up bridal style and carrying me up the stairs.

"Mwahahahaha now you're all mine." he teased with a wiggle of the eyebrows. I giggled hysterically and this only encouraged him to toss me over his shoulder and carry me into the bedroom. i let our a squeal.

"Harry Edward! You put me down!!" I squealed.

"Okay, if you insist." I was gently thrown onto our bed and he jumped up beside me and hovered over the top of my body. "Hi there."

"Hey you..." I giggled, leaning up to kiss his lips.

"I'll tell you something, if our child kisses like you do....whoever they date will be in heaven." he cooed, while laying down on top of me gently.

 "Mmm, you think so huh? all weak in the knees?" I cooed.

"Most definitely." he pressed his lips against mine softly, then they slowly made their way to my neck. I latched my fingers into his curls and just closed my eyes.

"Mmmm, baby....." I whimpered. This man was deadly... to my health.. my ovaries.. my self control......

 "Yeeeeeesssss baby?" he teased as he began to lightly suck on my neck like a leech.....except he was waaaay more attractive then a leech.

"Mmm, feels good," I whispered, "But you're gonna leave love marks...."

 "You say that like it's a bad thing." I heard the smirk in his voice which made my lady parts tingle in pleasure. God the things this man can do to me.

"No.. not at all, so good.. not bad.. so so good..." I moaned softly, his hair wrapped around my fingers. I was already trembling...... I couldn't take much more.. this man had far too much fun in foreplay..... and me... I just wanted to get to it....

"You're getting anxious aren't you my dear?" he teased in a sing-song voice.

"Well guess what...I'm not done playing yet." He slid my shirt up and started to kiss down my tummy.

"Harryyyyyy," i whined, trying to pull at his belt buckle. Since when does it take so long to get this man naked... it's like un natural...

"Uh uh uh." he said moving my hands away. Okay what was going on?

"Patience my pretty." He stuck his tongue in my belly button and I let out a tiny shriek. He chuckled, and I arched my stomach into him, letting out a deep moan.... It was gonna be an amazing night.....

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