Four ▫ Highschool Sweethearts

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    ✨I didn't hear a word she said
I wasn't that high I swear✨


  Janita and K.C are siting together when they come to the table. Coleman sits on side of Janita and Drake sits on K.C's side.

  And Briggs takes the last empty spot, "I ain't know y'all fuck with black queens." He says.  "Who you? I know her name."
  "K.C." Drake says.

  Briggs sighs, "I'm not finna be fifth wheeling y'all."
  "I wouldn't put you through that." Coleman gives his shoulder a pat.

   "Whatever man. Y'all coming to my lil party? It's at Cody house cause you know I gotta black momma." Janita laughs understanding exactly what he had meant.

   "Yeah do you want to go?" Coleman asks her.
  "Yes can you pick me up?"
"Of course."

   "I wanna go too." K.C says.
"Ight we car pulling then. Coleman get us around eight." He gets up tightening his belt.

  "I'mma go find me some melanin of my own to claim. I'll see y'all mufuckers lata." When most people heard him talk they assumed he was illiterate but english had been his highest grade.

   He was raised in the hood and only moved to the suburbs later. Briggs had picked up the slang and it naturally became the way he spoke.

  "Say whatca name is?" He rubs his hands together as he walks to the dark skin applying lipgloss.

"You over here looking all good 'n shit. I'm just tryna spit my game."
"Alright I likes that. You trynna give me your number or something beautiful?"
  "No. But thank you."
"No problem. You have a good day queen." He says before walking away.
  Briggs skips his next class and goes behind the school to light his blunt.
   No matter how many times he had got rejected it never felt the same.

   He hated being so alone, he hated being the only one single every year.

   Getting high had kept his mind off his pain. Like a blanket his feelings had been smothered and a smile was easier to muster.

   Sometimes a full plate isn't the best way to go, he got overwhelmed often times. With his dad having life in prison and his mom being both his parents.

  She had picked up job after job to take care of them. Her new rich boyfriend had saved them from debt. And finally gave her mother all that she deserved.

   "Who's your plug?" He looks over seeing the girl from earlier.
  "Oh my man Drake."

"Mrs. Green's son?"
   "Yep. That dude a trip."
"Can I join you?" Kenyan asks him.
  "Hell yeah girl." He passes it to her.

    When Janita got home her mom was getting ready for work. Laka had owned a lingerie brand along with a hair salon. She also had her own hair care company. All her products were tailored to black women of all hair types.

   She started it all when Janita was only six, selling them in her salon and suddenly her business boomed and she gained millions out of it all.

   "I have a few appointments today so make yourself something okay?"

"I love you, lock up and i'll bring you back ice cream or something."
   "Okay I love you mom. Bye." Laka kisses her head before leaving out the front door.

   Janita goes to her room to change into a long sleeve top and and a skirt. She had always worn long sleeves in order to hide her arms.

  Despite being a year clean, she still was self conscious about the dark lines down both her arms.

    After finding shoes she calls K.C.
"Hey babe what are you wearing tonight?"

   "My usual, a skirt and a top. What about you?"
   "Jeans and a sweater. Look tonight i'm tryna get wasted so have my back will ya?"

   "I always do." There is a knock on the front door so she goes to look through the hole.
  "Coleman is here so i'll see you later."
"Okay." She hangs up and opens the door.

  "Hey beautiful." He grabs her waist planting a kiss to her cheek.
  "Hi. I like your car it looks expensive."

"And so does yours."
   "I love Camaros." He closes the door pressing her against the wall.
   "Your ass looks good in this skirt angel."

She grips his jacket as he cups her butt. His closeness and his touch had made her hot. He thighs clench trying to ease the throb brought on so quickly.

   Her breathe hitches when his lips run over the skin of her neck. The light touch made her shiver.

   He slides a hand to her front and up under her shirt where he cups her bare breast in his palm. Coleman's other hand pulls at the lace.

   "Does it turn you on when I touch you like that?"
   "Yes." Her timid nature erupts and she flushes under him.

   He pinches her nipple, "Take these off."
He lets her go and she pulls off her underwear.

  "Good now show me your room."

     Drake huffs, trying to bargain with his mom but she doesn't budge.
   "It's not even that deep ma."

"You need to take these things seriously. You need a school education-"
   "I need you to listen and for my dad to back me up." He gives him a look but his dad only shrugs.

  "Mom you can't keep me inside forever. I am legally an adult now."
  "So, you still live under my roof."

"Not anymore. I'm moving out."
   "And where will you go?"
"So you can come drag my ass back? No thank you." He takes his keys out of the kitchen draw and leaves his parents appalled.

   His dad didn't care too much but his mom was scared. She wanted to be able to look over him for as long as she could. Part of her was hoping he wasn't serious. But deep down she knew him, and he was stubborn and would often do what he said he would.

    Her hands fisted the sheets as moans escaped her mouth. He had showed up an hour early just to please her.

"Let it out sweet thing."

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