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It's been longer than I'd have liked. I apologize for my extended absence as of recent. I do still intend on getting through the one-shots I listed in a previous chapter of this book. Here is a list of the upcoming one-shots for this book

1. DoTM Soundwave x Scared! Autobot! Reader

2. TFP Arcee x Raphael (Non-Romantic)

3. TFP Optimus x Soundwaves Sister! (Romantic)

4. TFP Autobots x Korean! Reader (Non-Romantic)

5. Lub Pt. 2 - TFP Ratchet x Human! Female! Pregnant! Reader (Prequel, Romantic?)

6. Break Me Pt. 3 - TFP Smokescreen x Femme! Seeker! Reader (Romantic)

7. TFP Bulkhead x Suicidal! Nonbinary/Male/Female! Reader (Non-Romantic)

8. Beach Day - G1 Optimus x Child! Female! Reader (Mini Series installment, Non-Romantic)

9. Nameless Feeling Pt. 1 - TFP x Reader (Series / Story)

If you have requests, please message me them. It's getting a little hard to keep track of them scattered in the comments of the shots 💧.

I also intend on updating "The Disintegration of a Star" soon. I know I've said this multiple times within the past two, three years, and there's nothing I can say that I haven't said before to assure that it's going to happen. There's no set date. It will happen when it happens, and I am working on making it happen soon.

Lastly, this is a bit of a selfish request on my part; please give me feedback. And not just on my one shots. I feel like I can come across as an afthole sometimes and the thought haunts me. I don't want to come across as a jerk or hurt any of you, so let me know if I have given the impression that I'm an aft.

I do believe that is all I wanted to address. I wish you all the best and I look forward to updating for you! Take care Stardust

Eclipse, Out

Transformers One Shots (REQUESTS CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now