The Medicine of Memory ~ Optimus x Bumblebee (TFP)

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It's not romance.


        It was around nine a.m. on Saturday morning. The kids had been at base for three hours, an experiment of Wheeljack's had blown up, and Ultra Magnus had(barely) broken up three fights, and Miko was blasting her heavy metal at full volume. Through it all, Optimus was nowhere to be seen.

"Where. Is. OPTIMUS?!" Ultra Magnus roared, his frame all pink and sparkly due to one of Smokescreens pranks. Then, a loud noise echoed throughout the base.

"ACHOO!" Everyone jumped. Optimus came into the main room, dragging his pedes sluggishly.

"There you are!" Ratchet cried. Optimus opened his mouth to say something but...

"ACHOO!" Prime sneezed, his body rocking forward from the force of the action. He sniffed, looking back up with dim optics. "My apologies for not coming out sooner. I do not feel very well." Ratchet took him to med bay and sat him down, running his diagnostics and asking Optimus a few questions.

"Abnormally high temperature, congested respiratory system, wet cough, hot and cold flashes... I'm sorry Optimus, but it seems you are infected with a virus" Ratchet sighed. Optimus only replied with;


Optimus stayed in his room mostly, sitting on his berth with a blanket draped over his helm and down his shoulders. It looked like his was ready to blow up a planet or something. Bumblebee walked in and handed Optimus some energon.

"Thank you Bumblebee" Optimus sighed, drinking the cube's contents.

>> Hope you get better << Bee blipped softly. Optimus coughed, wrapping the blanket tighter around his shoulders. Bee frowned. >> Is there anything else I can do to help? <<

"No. Thank you Bumblebee" Optimus responded, sniffing. Bee walked from Optimus' berthroom. Then, an idea came to him. He ran off, getting everything he needed.

The next day, Optimus was worse. Ratchet had given him some medicine and told Prime to rest. Optimus hated not being able to be there for his team. At least there was no Decepticon activity to worry about. Optimus' door creaked open and Bumblebee peeked in. Optimus looked at the young scout tiredly.

"What?" he snapped. Bee flinched a little. Optimus immediately felt bad. "I'm sorry Bumblebee, I'm just tired. What do you need?" Bumblebee walked in with a T.V. and his own blanket. He put the T.V. in front of Optimus' berth and put something in, walking over to Optimus and cuddling up to him. Optimus looked at Bee in surprise. "Bumblebee, what are you doing?" The scout looked up at Optimus with his big blue optics.

>> I just want to make you feel better << he beeped. Before Optimus could question further, whatever video Bumblebee had put in started up. It was one of Optimus' favorite earth movies, '*batteries not included'. He smiled and put an arm around Bumblebee, the scout cuddling further into Prime.

Ratchet walked back to Optimus' berthroom to give him another dose of medicine. He stopped upon entering the room, his optics softening and a smile forming on his face. Optimus had Bumblebee cradled in his arms, both him and the scout asleep. It took him back to the time when they were back on Cybertron. Bumblebee was recovering from having his voice box ripped out and Optimus had spent a day with the scout watching movies and cuddling.

"The love between a sire and his sparkling is like no other" Ratchet murmured. He didn't notice that everyone else had gathered behind him, looking in as well.

"Aw! So cute!" Miko squealed softly, taking a picture. Ratchet slowly closed the berthroom door and shooed everyone back to the main room. As Optimus slept, he smiled, dreaming of that one day that he had spent with Bumblebee. That one perfect day when he had said;

'I just want to make you feel better.'

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