*deep inhale* FU-

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Hey there guys, so, first, I'm sorry. For taking so goddamn long. I got a new job and my family's one dog died recently so I've got some setbacks. Also, suffering major writer's block on top of it. I may have a solution to that, but there's one teensy, tiny, itsy bitsy problem... I forgot who all requested what. I've been searching the comments, and I can't find who requested the Soundwave Shots, specifically the Soundwave x Scared! Autobot! Reader shot. It's important that I know who so I can run by them the idea I have; I don't want to do it without their permission. If they agree, it's gonna be a bit longer before I publish anything due to how much more time it'll take to prepare for executing the idea. If they don't, it'll be a while before I get to it because of the writer's block I'm wrestling with. Those of you who requested other shots listed in the previous chapter titles "Update", please make yourselves known in the comments of this chapter so I can run any ideas by you as well if I have any. I do want to talk to the person who requested the Arcee x Raphael shot specifically as well.

Again, I stress that if you have requests from now on, message me. I may close requests for a bit until I get caught up though, so heads up.

As always, I'll see you in the next shot. Take care, Stardust

Eclipse out ~ 💙

Transformers One Shots (REQUESTS CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now