Fear Furby ~ Autobots x Reader (TFP)

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Reader P.O.V~

I sat on the couch reading my F/B(Favorite Book). I was getting to the climax when Bulkhead and Miko came back from shopping.

"Guys! Look what I found!" she cried. I looked up... to see Miko holding the most evil thing in the world. A Furby. I dropped my book and sat rigid.

"Aw, it's cute!" Raf chuckled. The thing laughed.

"Play with me!" it giggled. I inhaled loudly. Everyone looked at me.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Miko asked. I remained silent. She walked over. "Maybe this'll cheer you up!" She plopped the mechanical bird in my lap. I screeched and flipped it out of my lap. I ran screaming to the room the bots made for us kids and locked the door. I sat in the corner and stared at the door, refusing to go near it.

A bit later, there was a knock on the door.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"It's me, Optimus" a deep voice replied. I crawled to the door and opened it. Optimus' holoform stood there, his blue eyes riddled with concern. "Are you alright Y/N? The others said you ran from a children's toy." I grabbed Optimus' jacket and looked him dead in the eyes.

"You do not understand. Furbies are pure EVIL!" I hissed. Optimus opened his mouth to say something but never got to say it.

"Feed Me! I like FLESH" Optimus jumped and ran into the room. I slammed the door in Furby's face. Optimus looked at me wide-eyed.

"That thing was not there a second ago" he stated. We both huddled in the farthest corner of the room, staring at the door. It was a while before we heard banging on the door.

"SOMEONE PURGE THAT DEMON FROM THIS BASE RIGHT NOW!" Ratchet shouted. Optimus and I burst out of the room and to the main room. Furby was on Ratchets work space, repeating the word 'kill' over and over. Optimus transformed to his bipedal form and grabbed it, setting it on the ground. He lifted his ped to crush it. I suddenly had an idea.

"WAIT!" I cried. "I just had the most evil idea..."

>:) Later on the Nemesis (:<

Megatron P.O.V ~

I surveyed our latest energon harvest, the raw, blue crystals glittering. I heard a strange noise. I walked over to it. A strange bird-like creature sat on a crystal. From my scans it was Mechanical.

"KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL" it screeched. It stopped, its eyes rolling back. A horrid low static sound came from the things voice box. It stopped abruptly and looked at me. "Ha Ha Ha! Play with me!" I looked at the thing, then at my cannon, then at the thing again.

"Hm, seems legit."

~At The Autobot Base~

Reader P.O.V ~

We watched Furby's tracker signal go offline. We all sighed in relief.

"That thing was horrid" Arcee stated.

"You can say that again" Bulkhead added. Bee nodded in agreement.

"Let's play a game!" We all froze. "How about hide and seek?! You hide, I KILL! Ready? One..."


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