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Season One

You stood in the coffee shop you went to every morning to get your coffee. No matter what you did you could never make it completely perfectly so you made it a necessity to go there every morning for your daily dose of caffeine to get you through the day.

Today, however, you were running very late to work and you were beginning to get impatient. It had been a solid ten minutes since you had ordered your coffee, it was beginning to get ridiculous.

There's literally three people in this shop, including me, why the fuck does it take ten minutes to make a damn cup of coffee. I swear to God I'm gonna lose it soo-

"Y/n Y/l/n?"

"Ah yes! Thank you!" You smiled at the barista and rushed out the door to work. You speed walked as fast as you could without tripping yourself up to get yourself to work. You checked you watch and panicked slightly at the time.

Fuck, it's gone seven. Karen is gonna kill me. She just HAD to ascend from speaking to the manager to being the damn manager.

And it was at that very moment that you bumped into someone. You panicked even more than you had been doing. You couldn't believe that that had just happened. You had the overwhelming urge to run away. To forget that this ever happened. Possibly because of the aura he was giving off but also because of the way he was glaring down at the new stain on his pristine Gucci suit.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! This is my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going. I was in a rush for work and I just... ugh... I'm sorry... I'll pay for the dry cleaning or buy you a new suit... I just-"

You stopped talking in shock. Was he 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨? You could have sworn he was in the worst mood not even a minute ago. Maybe you had misjudged? Either way, you were stood in complete and utter shock. He was laughing at the huge ass coffee stain on his Gucci suit that must have cost at least four thousand. "Excuse me? Sir? Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes. I'm more than okay. I just found that rather amusing, is all."

"I- okay?" You gave him a curious look.

"You think I'm weird, right? Just got coffee all down my Gucci suit and I'm laughing my ass off?"

"I mean... maybe? I mean most people 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 laugh if that happened to them so I wasn't quite sure how to act." You tucked your hair behind your ear shyly.

"Don't worry about it, seriously. I can get another one. Although, maybe you could pay me back by buying me a cup of whatever you just spilt down me? How's lunch tomorrow sound?" He smirked at you but in that cute type of way you could never really pinpoint.

"Wait, wait. Let me get this right. I just spilled my coffee down you and to pay you back you want me to go on a date with you?"

"Now, now. I never called it a date." You looked at him with panic in your eyes at how you'd misinterpreted him until it was washed away with his laughter again, "Yes, I want to take you out on a date."

"Are you sure that's all you want? To go one date? With me of all people? I mean I can get you anoth-"

"I said don't worry about the suit, okay? I'd like to take the pretty lady who bumped into me on a date, is that really so hard to believe?"

"I mean, kind of? I mean if you wanna go on a date with me of all people I'm not gonna refuse bu-"

"No buts. You said yes. Yes means yes. So I'll see you at the coffee shop over there? Tomorrow at one sound good?"

"I- yeah. Sounds good."

"Great. See you then. I'm Taehyung, by the way. Kim Taehyung. And you are...?"

"Y/n. Nice to meet you, Taehyung."

"Nice to meet you too, Y/n. I can put a name to that beautiful face of yours now. I've got to go to a meeting right now but I'll see you tomorrow." He flashed you a smile and walked in the opposite direction.

You stood there in mild shock at the events that had just taken place but quickly snapped out of it when you remembered why you had bumped into him in the first place.

Hopefully Karen doesn't murder me and I can actually get to the date in one piece.

You should have listened to that nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach that day. You should have run away like you wanted to. You should have forgotten about it all and moved on with your life. If you had then the horrible things that happened wouldn't have taken place.


(A/n: Just a quick note to say that this book was written a long time ago, I'm only now posting it here though so it is complete. Also, you may have noticed the "season one" at the top of the page. This book has two halves, similar to a tv series the second season carries on from this one, just further into the future. I hope you enjoy reading and please do comment your thoughts!)

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