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It had been around two weeks since that might out with your friends and everyone was starting to worry. The last anyone had seen Jungkook, he had been stumbling off to a fast food place and hadn't been seen since. Sure, he would go off the grid for a week or so occasionally but he'd never been gone for this long before.

You hadn't discussed your concerns about his whereabouts with anyone but your close friends so you thought it was about time you confided in Taehyung, seeing as you were supposed to help each other through things like this. So you made sure that as soon as you got in from work that evening you would talk to him about what was on your mind.

"Tae? Where are yo-?" You turned into the living room that conjoined to the kitchen and stopped in your tracks. Taehyung was stood in the kitchen cooking a meal with your apron wrapped around him and an adorable smile on his face. Your face instantly melted into one of complete fondness for the man stood infront of you. "What are you doing?"

"I'm cooking us a meal. I've noticed you've been kind of stressed out these past few days so I wanted you to come home to a nice meal to de-stress you a little." You near ran over to him and threw yourself into his arms.

"You're such a sweetie! I love you so much, baby." You looked up at him and went on your tiptoes to kiss him quickly. "Actually, there is something that's been bothering me." You shed away slightly, not wanting him to think you were overreacting to the situation.

"What is it? And I can tell by your body language that you think I'm gonna think it's stupid but tell me one time I've ever called any of your thoughts or concerns stupid?"

You were completely silent.

"Exactly, so get your ass back over here and into my arms, tell me what's wrong?" You felt like you were about to cry, you could even feel the tears pricking your eyes. No one you had dated had ever treated you like this and you had no clue how to deal with it.

"I've never had someone who cares so much about me before so just give me a minute to think." He looked at you with an expression of pure sorrow for a second, before wiping it away with one that said he was here to listen.

You walked over the few steps to be in his arms and cuddled into his chest, his arms wrapped around you, one around your shoulder and the other around your waist. You sighed into him, both from the worry and from the feeling of belonging you felt.

"It's just, I know you're not gonna like me talking about him, but Jungkook's been missing for about two weeks now. Sure, he goes off for a week or so sometimes but it's never been this long before, at least not this long without telling someone where he is. I'm just worried something's happened to him, you know? Like, even if he did make a pass at me he's still like my brother and I just want to know he's safe and alive. There are some messed up people in this world though so fuck know's where he could be."

At this point you had let the tears roll down your cheeks. You just couldn't hold your emotions in anymore, you were a pot of worry and concern waiting to overflow. Taehyung rubbed soothing circles on your back, trying to comfort you in one of the few ways he knew how to.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm sure he's fine. He might have just caught something, you know? Like a virus. Some of those things are horrible and you can barely move in your bed, let alone get your phone and text someone. He's probably just holed up in is room, okay?"

"Yeah, I guess that's the most reasonable explanation. Hopefully he turns up soon, otherwise his sister is gonna catch some empathy and call the police about it and I don't think anyone really wants to be interrogated right now." You sighed and pulled away from him, giving him a smile in the process. "Thank you for listening to me. It really means a lot..."

"You don't need to thank me for being a good boyfriend, Y/n." He smiled back and resumed cooking the dinner he had made for the both of you. As you walked around to the opposite side of the kitchen island, you noticed something shiny on the floor.

You looked a little closer and you couldn't help but think it looked similar to the earrings Jungkook wore. You shook the thought from your head and sat down at one of the seats. "Aaaannndddd dinner is ready!" He exclaimed, placing the food he had made infront of you.

"Thank you so much! It looks amazing."

"I hope it tastes as good as it looks, I really tried." You giggled at him and dug into your meal.

Really, you should have listened to that feeling. You should have noticed that something wasn't right when it felt like something was clawing at your stomach. You had switched between feeling so safe and so unsafe within a matter of minutes but, then again, that's what he was good at doing. Making you feel safe, luring you into a false sense of security.

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