making heaadway

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Hey guys sorry footer the monstrous wait my PC is pretty much or of commission so this is all being done on my phone...please excuse any typos as auto correct hates me..thank you for all my readers hopeyou all enjoy



I never really minded doing my paper work before. I mean as a king there are a lot of things to manage and look over. It never used to bother me to sit at my desk for hours and just port myself into it. But now I just can't focus, i've been down here for a couple hours and I haven't realty managed to get much done I just can't focus. All I can do is picture her, those big green eyes of hers, the innocence and vulnerability in them. And to think James had the audacity to harm her. I should have killed him. But her will have quite the mark to forever reminds him exactly why nobody every Crosses me. Sighing I look down at the document in my hands when my door crashes open and I jump to my feet.

The guard I left at Crystal's door stands there warily looking at me...oh if something has happened to her he will pay with hid blood!

"what is it?" I snap

"sire..she's hurt.." He says


"w..well the maid went in to give her some fresh clothes...says the bath was full of blood as where her clothes.."

at this I take of running at full speed to my angels room. Whoever hurt her will pay dearly! When I get to her room I through the door open to find get sitting on the bed with the teddy bear in her lap. She jumps at my hasty entrance and guys the bear to her hiding behind it. I have to reminds myself to slow down but walk purposefully toward her.

"Crystal..sweet heart? Where are you hurt?" I gently ask as I get to her. She just hugs the teddy bear closer and shakes her head.

"come on..i'm not going to hurt you..I just want to make sure you are ok..will you show me where you are hurt? Please little one?" I say on the softest voice I can manage as I feel panic raising.

She timidly looks up at me from behind her teddy bear and I give her a small hopefully reassuring smile being sure to hide my fangs from her. She looks atty me for a moment. Carefully regarding me and it takes a moment to realize she is actually looking at me! I smile a little bigger still hiding my fangs. I don't want to scare her now especially.

"will you show me where you are hurt sweet heart?" I ask again and she looks down at the teddy bear in her lap. No! Oh don't be afraid to look at me! I want to yell..but then she shuffles up to sit on her knees and turns her back to me. Not saying a word and holding that beat as close as she can to her self.

"oh..I your back is bleeding again?" I ask softly..she nods.."may I have a look?" I ask..she nods

At this I pull up the t shirt she is wearing frowning..its much to big for her honestly it could be a dress..then realize it is mine and smile broadly. She its wearing my clothes! A sense of pride sweeps through me at this. I gently lift the back of the shirt up and inspect her back. Yes a few of them have reopened..probably from her littler hiding excursion in the closet yesterday..I internally wince at the memory..oh I scared her so much..

"well it looks like a free of these have reopened..I'll have the clean then up..and bandage then so that they don't get infected alright angel?" I say to her as reassuringly as I can. She tightens up her hold on that bear again but timidly nods.

I sigh and go to her bathroom to get the supplies I need. I return to find her in exactly the same position I left her. Picking up the clothe and alcohol I get to work..she flinches every few seconds but otherwise doesn't make a sound. When I finish with the last bandage I pull hey shirt back down. "there not so bad...I smile at her and she turns to look at me and shakes her head in agreement. I give get a small smile and an idea comes to mind. Yes brilliant!

"well since you were such a good girl how about we go to the kitchen and get some ice cream?"

At this she instantly perks up and her eyes shine she smiles up at me and opens her mouth to speak butt quickly closes it again.

I make sure to keep the smile on my face "what is it sweet heart? " I ask softly

"c...can Uhm...can teddy come too?" She asks so softly I wouldn't have heard if I weren't a vampire..

That bear has become a form of comfort for her then? Well I was hoping it would help I smile down at her "of course he can..come on let's go get some ice cream" I say and extend my hand..she hesitates for a moment but takes it allowing me to pull her to her feet. The matting bond seems to be working its magic as she doesn't seem quite as scared..though I can still hear her heart racing..I lead her out the door and at the sight of the guard she jumps and nuzzles into my side one hand squeezing the bear the other fisting in the material in my shirt. I smile down at her and gently smooth down get hair..

"its ok sweet heart..he won't hurt you. He's here to keep you safe love. His name is Eric."

Eric looks at me and I nod he smiled gently at her. Already yearning for attention from his queen. he bows to her..over exaggerating his movements and I can't help but smile at this "my lady. I only serve to keep you safe and unharmed..andof course your.teddy too.." He bends and kisses the bears little paw and she giggles. She actually giggled. I can't help the grin the spreads across my face and neither can he. I mouth the words "thank you" to him. Grateful that he had put her at ease. He nods at me. "so where is the little lady and her teddy off to?" We whispers conspiratorially to her. She giggles and whispers "ice cream!" I smile down at her. Awe I love that sound. "awe ice cream. That's some good stuff. Certainly fit for an angel like yourself" she giggles again and I want this to last forever. I want to hear her giggling and happy.."care to join us Eric?" I ask. He blinks up at me and looks to her. "well I would love to..would you and teddy mind?" He asks? She shakes her head and smiles into her teddy. I smile down at her and take her hand. She holds her teddy by a paw and Eric picks up the other one. We look a might odd bunch i'm sure. I don't really care. She is smiling that is all that matters. And we all make our way to the kitchen.

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