learning the rules

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>Crystal's POV<

I wake up to someone yelling..

"Get your ass up! move it!!!"

Someone is going through the slave's quarters screaming. See I was brought to this castle and taken down so many hallways I dont think I can find my way back out. And thrown in this huge room with so many people. there has to be at least a hundred in here...all sleeping on the floor like me. Its so cold my body hurt from shivering all night..So now what? I recognize the person yelling as James..the one who brought here. The girl next to me jumps up and scurries away..hmm I wonder why. The next thing I know James has my arm in his bruising grip and is towing me away. I stumble trying to keep up with him. I struggle against his hand but he only tightens his grip It feels like he might crush my bone. 

"Let me go." It comes out weaker than I would have prefered. He smiles.

"I am going to have to teach you a lesson slave. First don't speak unless you are spoken to and are required to give an answer. Second if someone tell you to do something you simply say yes sir or yes ma'am and do it. And never. EVER look at anyone! your eyes stay on the floor got it!" 

I stare up at him. shocked and confused. I was hopeing this was just a bad dream..he smacks me hard and throws me into a dark room. "I just told you to answer when a rely is required and not to look at anyone! you stupid human! you asked for it!" 

he grabs a whip and smacks it across my back! I scream out in pain and terror and he continues. this goes on for a while and I am too weak to hold myself up I just lay on the ground sobbing...

"James I....What is this?"

I look up and see the man who bought me...my vision blurs even more and through the tears I see him come towards me..what will he do to me???

 >Damian's POV<

I wake up and look around my room. I had expected that little slave to be here to feed me when I woke up. hmm...I look around and ask other slaves..they say James has her. I wonder why. He usually doesn't handle slaves unless they need to be punished...Could she have caused trouble all ready?

I find some slave in the hallway and pin her against the wall and cover her mouth so she can't scream. I am thirsty..My fangs punture her neck and she cries out. I drink and let her drop. she will be lightheaded but she will live. 

I decide to make my way to the tower where James punishes the slaves. I can hear someone crying inside and I'm guessing he is teaching someone a lesson. I walk in "James I.." the sweetest smell floods my sences. So delicious...so sweet...its intoxicating..I look down to see a small frame curled on the floor...blood seaping from wounds on her back. her black and red hair tangled and sprawled about. SHe must have been up here at least an hour with him...

"what is this?" I ask. There should be no reason to hurt her like that. wait what am I thinking she is just a slave. Of course she needs to be punished if she did something wrong. But she smells so sweet...she must be innocent..but even for an innocent her blood is sweet....

"I told her to get up and she didn't. then she broke two rules immediatly after I told them to her. She is being punished your Highness."

I look from his muscular 6' 2" frame to her small and slim 5'4" frame huddled up and bleeding on the floor...

I walk over to her and crouch down closer to her level. She flinches away from me and whimpers..I hate it. 

"little one...why did you not do as you where told?"

she looks up at me and opens her mouth to answer..WHACK! the crack of the whip. Her eyes squeeze shut and she cries out. I look up at James. My eyes narrowing.

"I told her never to look at anyone..she broke a rule again" he shrugs...

I stand up my 6' 5" frame towering over him. I walk over to stand inches away and jerk the whip from his hand "DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN!!" I yell. The girl whimpers again..and I can hear her quietly sobbing..

I walk back to her and crouch down by her head..."now little one answer my question..why did you dissobey?" 

She is shaking...from the pain? the cold? fear? I do not know but I intend to find out. 

"I Was-s con-confused..."her voice is small..desperate and scared...it breaks my heart. Why do I feel this way for a human? a slave? I shouldn't care...

I move her bangs from her eyes and she flinches away..I frown.."and what rules did you break?" I asked her as gently as I could...I want to calm her but I do not know how...or even why I wish this..the scent of her blood is sweet and thick in the air..It only makes me want to calm her more..

"I...I did-didn't answer him.." she stutters...afraid and still sobbing...

I nod.."and what else?"

"I..looked at him" she is whispering now..She is terrified..does she think I am going to hurt her? probably. and she has good enough reason to believe such a thing. I have hurt many slaves, but her. I just want to protect her. Why? 

"Your Highness?" James askes. I had forgotten he was there. I narrow my eyes and pick the girl up off the floor trying to be careful of the many wounds on her back. She still yelps in pain and squeezes her eyes shut..her body shaking more...

"If I ever catch you doing such a thing again...I will kill you myself James. Understood?"

He flinches at the threat but bows and nods "Yes your HIghness."

I cradle the girl to my chest and walk to my room. I have the strongest urge to protect. To ease her nerves and hold her until her tears dry. I never want to see her afraid or crying again..And this infuriates me! Why should I care so much for this small slave girl?

I look down at the small body against my chest. She is pale from blood lost and exahstion..Her big bright green eyes are squeezed shut tightly and her hair is a mess...there is blood on her face..her neck..everywhere...and she is shaking uncontrolably. Her breathing is shallow and her tears roll steadily down her face. Never again. This will never happen again. 


Hey guys!!!! SO? What do you think? Is a romance starting? Will she live??? what will happen to James???? 

Feedback please!!!! IM not really sure how well I'm doing with this story and this is the first story I have written outside of school so let me know what you think?? do you like it and what me to keep going? or is it horrible and should i just quit now?!?!?! 

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