{7} ゴールデンディスク

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" Chapter 7 , The Golden Disk "


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It was the night of the next heist where The Golden Disk of Greece would be in an art gallery in Hazami Square. Detective Keiko was already at the scene , waiting with Nozomi and Haruto for Miyako and the so-called " Mini Spade ". Yukina was the one at the wheels this time but of course , she can't drive and chaos went loose. " NO THAT'S THE GAS PETAL ! BREAKS ! LOOK TO WHERE I'M POINTING ! " Miyako yelled , trying to point to the breaks from behind Yukina in the driver's seat as the car continued to blaze at full speeds. They were at the area of the building and were supposed to stop near a shaded area full of trees but passed it and was about to hit the side of the building. " WALL ! WALL ! WALL ! " Miyako yelled , unknowingly grabbing Yukina's hair and the girl yelping in pain , her foot stepping on the breaks and the car coming to an abrupt halt just barely hitting the wall. Miyako went flying forward and hit her head onto the honk. Luckily she quickly pulled away before it could continue on. Just a little beep was all it made. Twitching , Miyako hopped out of the car and dusted whatever dirt was on her clothes.

" Are you ok ? " Yukina asked. Silence. " Do I...look like- " Miyako quickly turned to her with a bright red face and a red mark across her nose. " I'M OK TO YOU?! " Yukina sighed. " Well seeing as that you're not bruised , that means you ok. Well , besides the whole bumping into the wheel anyway. " she got out of the car and the two girls looked up to see the large building that was in front of them. They slowly crept behind the corner of the long white wall and poked their heads to see two guards at the front of the museum. Both didn't look like security guards. " It's Nozomi and Haruto. So how do you think we'll get past them ? " Miyako whispered. " I don't know. We'll probably just have to find another way inside the museum. For now , let's check the back " silence. " Hey , did you hear me ? " silence...

" Miyako ? " Yukina turned around to see no one behind her and jumped to the sudden loss of Miyako. " M-Miyako ? Spade ? Where the heck are you?! " Silence once more...it was just nothing but her by herself..." Miyako stop playing around. This isn't funny ! " she whispers. At least , she could give herself some time to really breathe and understand what she's doing. It hasn't been much of a observation but tonight was awfully chillier than the previous one and she wasn't as nervous as the last heist. Maybe it's because she's already gotten away with stealing one item. Then again , it'll be the last time since she has no enjoyment from this. Suddenly , the sound of footsteps linger behind her and the feeling of something on their shoulders brings her back to reality. " AAAAAAAAAAAAH ! " she screamed , but only to be silenced by a soft hand around her mouth.

" Relax , it's just me ! I found a way in through the back. Come on ! " Yukina struggling in her grip stepped on her foot and pushed Miyako away when Miyako started to groan in pain. She didn't make much noise since she bit down on her lip. " One , don't scare me like that. Two , you basically did what I already said we were gonna do and Three , don't ever trust me with this stuff ever again ! "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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