{6} インナースペード

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" Chapter 6 , The Inner Spade "

Another morning passes by and Yukina stayed in the music room playing on the piano to herself

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Another morning passes by and Yukina stayed in the music room playing on the piano to herself. The soft melody came to a abrupt halt to the sound of frustrated yelling , perking Yukina's curiosity. She stood up and called back to the caped crusader. " Miyako , did you get your cape stuck in the washing machine again?! " she called out. Silence. With a long sign , she stood up and exited the room to find her. She could by this point feel the ends of her hair grow past her shoulders by a few inches. That was her only indicator that time had passed by. She would have to recut it when she got home.

She was greeted with exactly what she predicted. Miyako tugging at her soaking wet cape in the washer machine. When she finally removed it , she tripped on her cape and collapsed onto the floor. She stood back up and kicked the machine in frustration. It didn't help that a box of detergent tumbled and tipped over , it's powdery contents spilling all over her head. Eventually the box itself dropped onto her head and fell onto the floor next to her. " I didn't interrupt your piano lessons did I ? Then again , you were rather noisy. " still childish. " Miyako , when's the next heist ? I don't want to sit here and do nothing. "

That's when Miyako froze. " Well uh....I actually kinda forgot to say that we'll start tomorrow ? " she mumbled , poking her fingers together. Yukina was silent. Her arm slowly raised to her shoe to throw it across Miyako's head. " Wait ! Wait ! Wait ! Don't hit me just yet ! I-I've got something even better just itching to be revealed ! "


" A way home ? "

" No "


" You cancelled the bet ? "

" No "


" You're getting arrested ? "


Yukina sighed with her arms crossed. " You better give me a valid reason then. Unless your ready for a bruise so big that Zacharias Janssen won't even need a magnifying glass to see it. " Miyako sighed and handed her a small blue and white diagonally stripped paper handbag. " Miyako what's this ? " Miyako shrugged and tossed it into her hands.

" Beats me. Someone dropped it off at our front door and I didn't buy anything soooo I'm going to guess it's yours. Now go get dressed. I'll get the surprise ready for you. " Miyako walked off to leave Yukina all alone with the bag in her hands.

She slowly searched for anything deadly inside the bag before her fingers grasped against something hard. She wrapped her fingers around the object and pulled it out to reveal a black velvet box with a purple clover engraved on the top. " A clover ? " one thought that once crossed her mind came back to her. The memory of the door when she first saw Miyako's mansion. The spade , diamond and heart were engraved on it but the clover was missing.

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