Chapter 5: The Party

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There was a knock on the door. "Nina please go get the door". "I'm in the bathroom". She yells out. "Fine". I walk towards the door. Dear God. It's Ethan.

"Hi". He says. His blue eyes shining, wow he's so handsome in person.

"Hi, I'm Liz" I say holding the door. This is awkward. "Hi Liz, I'm Ethan". He brings out his hand for me to shake, I shake him back. "So, I'm looking for Nita and Nina". He looks at me. "Hey Liz who is..." Nina looks at me and Ethan. "Hi Ethan". She waves. "What are you doing here?". He takes his eyes of me, "Well, My sister's birthday is tomorrow and Ciara wanted me to invite you guys, she couldn't come herself because she was getting everything ready". "Wow cool, thank you". Ethan looks at me. "Uh, are you coming with them". His eyes looking so flashy. "Well, I don't think I can.."Nina shuts me up. "Of course, we'll be there"
Ethan smiles and walks out.

I slap her hand"Nina what gives!". She rolls her eyes as she walks up the stairs. "Liz, I did you a favor". I don't need it. "You better get get ready for tomorrow.

What's her problem. I can't go, I can't leave the house. I haven't left the house for the past eight years, this is the only memory of our family together and I can't leave. I have to cancel.

I slept, I stood up, the light was so bright, then the light reduced, then I saw my mom calling out for me.
"Liz, Liz".  She opens her hand. I ran so fast."mom!" I hug her back, tears running down my eyes. "Mom, I missed you so much". "I missed you too sweetie"
She kisses my forehead.

We were walking, but I didn't know where we were walking to, we were just walking. We stopped, my mom smiling at me, she caressed my hair.

"What has been going on in my baby's life, huh. You're so big and beautiful, like I knew you'd grow up to be". I start crying. She cleans my eyes. "Shhhh, don't cry okay, I'm here for you sweetie, I love you". I hug her, I missed her so much.

I clean my nose. "Well, mom, nothing really, I got invited to a party". My mom looks at me. "Are you going?". My mom looks at me dead in the eyes. "Mom, I don't want to go, like I don't have to go if I don't want to go right". Mom sighs. "Sweetie, what's in your mind, do you want to go or not" I thought of it for a while. "Mom, I do wanna go but, i can't leave the house". She sighs. "Sweetie, it's okay, you can go, even though, we're not with you, I'm with you, always, I love you. So kisses my forehead again. "So I can go". "Of course sweetie, you can't leave at home forever". She did have a point. "I'll go". She kisses my hands. The light comes back again. "I love you". She then fades away. The light shined so high.

I woke up feeling so tired, then I found out that there was tears in my eyes. I remember what mom said.

I'm always with you. Why worry when my mom is with me, hearing it myself, it's kind of weird that I haven't left the house in eight years, I have to lighten up a little bit.

"Good morning Liz, how'd you sleep". Nina asks getting ready to bath. "I.. sleep okay". She heads for the bathroom. "Cool". Nita comes up. "You, look weird, did you sleep well last night?". I nod my head.

I dress up. I wore pants and a big top. I do really like wearing big clothes, but I'm really nervous, it's my first time out in eight years. We got ready to go. We all walked there it wasn't that far. We got to the house, the house Is so big. The mail box looks half the size of our house. Nina rings the doorbell.

A beautiful woman comes out of the door, she has blue eyes, just like Ethan.
"Oh hi" she says. Her eyes glittering up.
"Good morning Mrs Newman". Nina and Nita says in unison. "Hey dears" She pauses and noticed me. "And I guess you're Liz". I look at her. "Yes Ma'am".

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