Chapter 8: All together

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"You're finally pursuing it". Nina jumps up from her chair.

"Yes, we're getting married in the next two weeks". Uncle John jumps. I've never seen him this happy. We all walk to hug and congratulate him.

"Manny's coming over with a surprise".He rubs his hands.

"What kind of surprise?". I asked him.

"Well....". He walks and then turns back.

"I need a favor from you guys". He looked do desperate. I can't believe he asked us that.

"Uncle, whatever it is, we're gonna do it for you". Nina replied, we all nod in agreement.

"I need you guys to help me plan the wedding"

"What of course, we'll help you". I said.

"We wanted you all to plan the wedding, because our style is kinda...". He paused.

"Old fashioned?". I asked. Nita started typing on her phone.

"Something like that, Manny and I are traveling to Ohio tommorow, her parents are there". He says as he eats the remaining waffles on the dinning room table.

Manny enters holding a huge box. Nina  went to go help her.

"What's in the box?". I asked her.

"Well these are the materials for the invitation card, ribbons and others". I nod.

"So, what about that boy, uh, Ethan". What why would he bring him up.

"I don't know?".

"He's not coming over again is he?. Uncle John asks.

"Well..". Nina started but I cut her off.

"He's not coming anymore, I can assure you". I crossed my arms.


"Hi, it's me Ethan". He said from outside the door. Everyone stares at me. I roll my eyes and go to open the door.

"Hi". A warm smile on my face.

"Hey". He stared at me. I got s little lost until...

"Ehem". Uncle John cleared his throat.

"Oh, I'm sorry, come in". He came in. I locked the door. Nita and Nina smiling at me. I hate it when they do that.

"Congratulations sir". Ethan brought out his hands.

Uncle shakes him back. "For what".

"You're Marriage". How did he?. We all share a look.

"How did you..."

"Nita, posted it on Instagram just now". We all look at her.

"What, should I hide my joy?". We all laugh. "Thanks dear" Manny tells him.

"Okay, we're gonna go pack for our trip tomorrow okay, we'll be back". Uncle assured us.

"Okay, you have fun". I told them as they left. Ethan sat on the chair, while Nina and Nita went upstairs pointing at him.

"So, what's the box for?". I sat close to him. "Well we're kinda planning the wedding, were gonna make it the best wedding ever". I smiled. Hopefully.

Ethan looked at me. "What?". "You're really happy for your Uncle".

"Of course, ever since our parents died, he's the one that took care of us. He was our mom and dad. He abandoned his work for us for eight years, and now he's found the woman of his dreams, I'll be more than happy to help him out, because he has done do much for us, he deserves happiness". I was almost crying. But one just had to escape. He cleaned the years right off my cheek, and tucked a loose string of hair behind my ear.

"I'm happy that you're happy". I didn't know what that meant but okay. His hands still on my cheek. He leaned in again, we were about to but I pulled out. Well that was awkward. I could see his cheek bright red in embarrassment.

"Well, if you need any help with the wedding party, you can call me, I'll give you a hand".

"That's really sweet". I told him.

"Okay, I'll be leaving". He heads for the door.

"Bye". I waved, he waved back. I turned back and saw Nina and Nita looking at me. "What?".

"Nothing, Nothing". Nina says.

"We're you guys spying?".

"Yes, we were, you guys were so cute".
Nina said.

I rolled my eyes, don't have time for them.

Well, the marriage preparations was going great. Nita, Nina and I picked out the perfect wedding card and decorations.


"I'll go see who's at the door". I stood up and opened the door. It was Uncle and future 'Aunt' Manny.

"Welcome". I left and bounced on the chair.

"So tireeeed".

"This looks beautiful!". Manny says. Duh.

"Uncle, we need to take a break". Nita says standing up and yawning until tears came out of her eyes.

"Ya". I got up from the chair.

"Thanks for your work girls". Uncle John says.

"Ya, sure". We mumbled as we were going upstairs.

"Uhm Liz, can I talk to you?". Manny asks.

"Please can it be later?" I begged.

Uncle John looks at me. I roll my eyes. Uncle John leaves us.

"You know, we haven't been able to talk". Where is she going with this.

"I know you heard about the talk with Remy". I blink out the sleep in my eyes.

"Yeah, why'd you do that, you made her scared".

"Look, I didn't want to send you people away, it's just that, when John and I get married, who is going to take care of you guys?, I wanted you guys to be in a good place so that John and I will get married without problems".

"So you wanted to get rid of us?, What would have happened if you sent us away?, You think he'd be happy?".

"I realized that, I just want to apologise to you guys, especially you, I haven't treated you well, what was I thinking trying to send you away, I was selfish. I called Remy and apologized. I'm sorry". She started crying.

"No, please don't cry". I hold her hands.

"It's fine, and I shouldn't have been do sneaky, I just want Uncle John to be happy". She nods. And for the first time in forever. We hugged.

Uncle John sees us and smiles.

"What'd I miss?"

"Nothing much". Manny says.

We smile at each other. Manny isn't so bad after all.

Hope you liked the chapter^_^

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