Chapter 12: Love at the End

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Five Years Later;

Ethan proposed to me.

I was engaged to Ethan Newman. I'm so freaking happy.

Three months later.....
So this is it. I'm getting married. This is the best day of my life.

My cousins and Ciara helped me dress up. After they left, I stood in the mirror. Mom, this is what you always wanted me to be. Happy. I wish you were here with me, because I'm so nervous, but I know that I'll get through it. I took a deep breath and relaxed myself. This is it.

"Liz". Looking over, I see Lacey standing by the door. I must have been so lost in my thoughts, I didn't see her come in.

She looks so gorgeous. Her hair has been braided from the left side of her head wrapped around the back. A red ribbon runs through the braid and is tied in a bow at the end.

"It's going to be okay". He hugs me and then she leaves.

Taking a deep breath, the wedding March comes and the door opens. Everyone stands and looks at me. Walking over the flower petals Lacey threw down, I can only look at one person. The person waiting at the isle for me.

Once at the end Ethan grabs my hand and we all up to the priest. "You may now be seated". He tells everyone.

"We are all gathered here today to join two souls who have fallen in love. Two people who can't see their future without each other". He goes on and on until we come down to the vows. "Elizabeth, you go first". I took a deep breath and faced him.

"Since the day I saw you, I didn't know if I loved you or not. From day one you showed me kindness and love. You made me happy, Even when I thought I'd be alone forever. You changed my life. You showed me true love, compassion, and you cared for my family like they were yours. I will love you until my final breath and whatever life comes after that". The look of relief in his eyes made me want to laugh.

The priest smiles at me and then turns to Ethan. "Ethan, your vows".

"Liz from the moment I met you, I knew you were special. You had me chasing you and where I finally caught you I won't let go. You are the only woman besides my mother and sisters that I can say, I love with all my heart. A future without you is no future at all. If I didn't have you, I wouldn't be the man I am today. I love you Elizabeth Parker, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you". Suddenly, he leans forward and brushes away the tears.

"Do you Ethan Newman take Elizabeth to be your lawfully wedded wife?". The priest asks him.

"I do".

"Do you Elizabeth Parker take Ethan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do".

"You may now exchange rings". Ciara hands me his wedding ring and I slip it in his finger. Ciara handed him my ring and and slowly puts it on my finger. "Lady and gentleman, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss the bride".

He leans in and we kissed. We walked down the isle hands in hands. Nita, Nina, Ciara, Lacey, Uncle John and Aunt Manny, Mr and Mrs Newman, came to join us. I was surprised to see Mrs Remy.

We all took pictures.

"I love you". He whispered.

"I love you too".

From that they onwards, I realized that no matter what you are going through, as long as you have the right people around you, you will be just fine. I remember the tragedy, who knew that it would be love at the end?

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