Chapter 11: Ready

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"You said no!?". Nina shouts.

"Why would you say no". Nita asks.

I didn't answer. They started asking questions back to back.

"Why'd you turn him down?-

"Why did you do that?".

"Why didn't you say 'Give me some time to think".

"I thought you said you loved him".

"Stop!". I yelled out. "Enough with the questions".

"We wanna know why you turned Ethan down". Nina says.

"I turned him down because". I paused while Nina and Nita sits on their beds.
"Because, if we start dating, what will happen to you guys, we made a promise never to leave each other, if we start dating, my attention will be on him and not on you guys. You guys have been my only family, except from Uncle John. Since our parents died, none of our family relatives even cared whether we were alive or dead. But you guys are everything to me. I can't be happy, I don't deserve his care, even though, I try to forget what happened eight years ago, i still miss them so much". Nita and Nina comes to hug me.

"We all feel it too, but you are given the chance to get up and start a new life, and that new life begins with Ethan. You need to let go of the past and start over. You have people around who cares about you, you don't need to push them away". Nina tells me.

"Yeah, and it starts by fighting for the one you love". Nita holds my hand.

"You guys are the best". We all hug.

"I have to go find Ethan". I wave to them and ran to his house.

I knocked on the door. Mrs Newman opened it.

"Good Afternoon, Mrs Newman"

"Afternoon dear, would you like to come in?".

"Not really, I'm looking for Ethan".

"I'm sorry dear but Ethan is not here, he left a while ago and he hasn't come back yet".

"Thank you". I left.

It's my fault. Where could he be?. I thought for a while.

  I normally come here when I'm happy or sad.

His old house!. I ran to the house. His car was parked there, oh thank God. I went to the back of the house. I saw him sitting there, still wearing the clothes and holding something in his hands.

"Ethan". He turns back, I saw his eyes all angered and hurt.

"Did my mom send you here?". He asked.

"Your mom didn't send me here". He nodded.

I moved closer to him.

"Ethan, I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I do like you too. I was being stupid and being an idiot, I...".

He kissed me, I kissed him back. We pull out.

"Don't you ever call your self stupid again". He holds my hands.

"What I'm trying to say is that, Ethan Newman, I love you, and I want to spend my life with you"

I could see the expression in his blue bright eyes. He was happy.

He hugged me. "I love you too".

We pull apart. He holds my hand. Our fingers locked. We entered the house and stayed together, we watched a movie. Now I wish nothing will spoil this moment. Ethan's phone buzzed.

I look at him. "It's mom".

"Hey Mom"

"Ethan were are you?, You got me worried sick, I've been trying to call you but it still keeps going to voicemail and.."

"Mom, I'm fine"

"Where are you"

"I'm with Liz"

"Please come home okay?"

"On my way".

He hangs up.

"Mom's worried, we need to go back". Why

"Okay". He kissed my forehead.

"Since, we're going to my house, should we tell anyone about us?"

I nod. "Yes"

We entered his car, and we drove to his house. As we were about to enter, Ethan held my hand, he could tell that I  was worried.

We enteredv the house seeing Mrs Newman sitting on the chair looking panicked.


"Oh, Ethan, Liz, welcome". She sees our hands together.

"Are you two.."

"Yes mom, Liz is my girlfriend". Ciara, Lacey and his mom hugged us.


"I knew it". Ciara slapped her hand.

After that we went to my house. After we told Nita and Nina, they squealed.

"Liz, it's 9:48, I better get going".

"Ok, drive safely". He kissed my forehead and waved to Nina and Nita.

After he left, they squealed. I smiled.


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