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This is where things start to get a little different. This is the same day as the last chapter, but it's about what's happening at Hogwarts. I hope that makes sense. 

Remus Lupin was walking to the headmaster's office. He didn't have a class to teach the first period so he wasn't in too much of a rush. He walked up to Dumbledore's desk and sat down. 

"You wanted to see me," Remus said.

"Yes. Now Severus has said that he is not feeling well today and is unable to come in today." Dumbledore said.

"Really, he's never taken a sick day before," Remus said, amazed. 

"Yes, well I would like to ask for you to teach his classes today." 

"Ok, well I'm not very good at potions. There is no way I would be able to teach them anything."

"Remus it's the first day, just try to teach them something. No one else here can teach potions and you were the best student of your year. Severus said he would be back tomorrow." 

"Alright, yes I'll do it." 

Dumbledore opened one of the drawers and pulled out an envelope. 

"This is your schedule for the day. If there are any overlapping classes you can join classes together or something like that." Dumbledore said. "Also your 6th-year class is about to start." 

Remus stood up to leave the room. 

"Thank you very much," Dumble shouted across the room. 

Remus just nodded and sped down the hall trying not to be late. 


"Snape is never late," Ron said to Harry, Hermione, and Draco. 

"Ya, this is really weird," Hermione said. 

Then Remus opened the doors and walked to the front of the classroom. All of the students were exchanging confused glances.

"Now class before anyone says anything, professor Snape is not feeling well and won't be able to make it today," Remus said. "So I will be teaching for him today."

"He's never taken a sick day before. Is he ok?" Draco asked. He was the only person who seemed to be concerned.

"I'm sure he will be alright, he said he would be back tomorrow," Remus said. 

Draco still seemed to be nervous. Harry grabbed his hand from under the table and Draco started to calm down a little bit. 

"I'm not very good with potions so today will be an easy day."

For the rest of the day Remus just did the same thing he did for the first lesson, he mainly just had them catch up on any work they had or had them study some things about potions. 

As Remus was leaving to go home he was really hoping that Severus was coming back the next day, cause he didn't know how long he would be able to keep up with teaching all these classes. 

Ok, so this chapter is so boring. I really thought it would be more interesting. I am really really excited for the next chapter. The next chapter will be a lot longer than this one.

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