Chapter 2

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Calum J. Tritus exited his helicopter, the blades moving the air around him. He swept the edge of his trenchcoat to his side as he made his way off the airfield and to the car that was waiting for him.

"Where are we heading to Mr. Tritus?" His driver asked through the dividing window of the car.

"The Greyson Pack, and hurry. I don't feel like getting my hands dirty today" He answered. He smirked as he heard the heartbeat of his driver increase. Calum could smell the man's fear. He checked his watch, hoping to make it to the pack before 3, but some turbulence had set him back by 45 minutes. "I said hurry!" He yelled, causing the driver to fumble his keys. Calum sighed and muttered "worthless" before sitting back and going over his plan one last time.

He arrived at the greyson pack at 3:15, not bad for the 45 minute delay. The driver opened his door and Calum stepped out, taking in the sight. The Greyson pack was organized and structured, pleasing to the eye. He saw a few families, enjoying the sunny day outside. If only they knew what was coming, Calum might be able to save them.

He walked up to the new pack house, knocking on the door. If he knew his history correctly, this is where all of his problems began. The door was opened and he was welcomed inside, someone taking his coat and hanging it up.

"Greetings Mr Tritus, my name is James, Mr Greyson is waiting for you." Said the man.

James led Calum to Mr Greysons office and knocked on the door "Sir, your 3:30 is here" James stated.

A quiet "come in" was heard and James opened the door, gesturing for Calum to enter.

The room was cozy, a large desk sitting center to the room. A large, cold looking man sat at the desk, staring at Calum with a dead expression.

"Good afternoon sir, I'm here to discuss the wellbeing of your pack and your family" Calum said as he took a seat across from the man.

"Sir was my father, please call me Nicolas" the man said as he stood up and opened the blinds of the dark room.

Nicolas hadn't changed much in 18 years. He carried a few more scars and scratches than he had and his hair was lighter, going gray from the stress of running a pack.

"Quite a few packs have been attacked by a previously unknown assailant. Recently he was caught by my pack and we identified him as Anima, the druid. We want you and your wife to testify so we can put him away for his crimes. He also told me to give you this" Calum laid a file on the desk and Nicolas opened it, his hand crushing the paper after he read it.

"I'll do it, for my daughter"

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