Chapter 5

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"What do you mean he knows? How can he know when I don't even know?!" Liz exclaimed as she took in the information.

"We don't know if he's lying or not. He claims he'll only release him if he gets an audience before the court. We believe he's just trying to avoid the death sentence, but haven't ruled it out that he might actually have them." Mr. Tritus explained as he took out a pen and paper from the inside pocket of his suit. "Will you help us and go over the events of your 17th birthday one more time? Please don't leave out any details"

Elizabeth slowly told the story again. She hated doing it, she felt it made her look small and in need of pity. Mr. Tritus wrote down every word, occasionally asking questions and recording her answers. It felt like an eternity for Liz, when in reality it took less than an hour. Before she knew it, both men shook her hand, thanked her for her time, and left. She watched as they backed out of her driveway and started on the long road out of the community.

"You ok Liz?" Nicolas asked as he crouched down in front of her. "I know you don't like thinking about that day, but you did great, I'm proud of you." To this Liz just nodded, and Nicolas knew she would need some time to regroup herself. It happened every time she had to go over her accident. "I'll be leaving in the morning for the hearing. Goodnight Liz" Nicolas said as he left as well.

Liz looked around her, the empty house, her lonely life. Was she allowed to have hope? Her mate wasn't some jerk who purposely didn't look for her, right? An image of kids running around the small living room made a tear form in her eye. Hope, it was something she hadn't felt in a long time, and it almost didn't feel real.

She took a deep breath and looked down at her legs, the things that caused her so much grief. It felt dumb, but she pinched her left leg, stating a very bland "Wake up" to no avail. She repeated it on her other leg with the same result. "Akipo?" she tried to talk to her silent wolf. "He's alive, we have a mate" she said out loud as she wheeled herself to her bedroom and got ready for bed. In the morning, her mate might be found. 

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