Chapter 4

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Elizabeth slowly made her way out of the therapy center, rolling the large wheels of her chair with her arms. A few different people offered to help, but she politely declined as she exited the building and rolled down the wheelchair ramp. After the accident, her parents had bought a smaller house closer to the center so Liz could have an easier time going to her appointments, but on her 18th birthday they announced that the house was hers. It was small, simple, and most importantly, wheelchair accessible. Having the momentum from the ramp, she pushed a little bit on the wheels to keep the speed going. On a good day it only took her 10 minutes to get home but as she neared closer to her home, she saw a black car parked in her driveway. As she went up the small ramp to her front door it opened, and an unknown man stood beckoning for her to come in.

"Ms. Elizabeth, we've been waiting to meet you" the man said as he gestured to another man inside, who Liz assumed was his superior. The 1st wore a dark charcoal coloured suit, with the 2nd wearing a sheer black suit. Their demeanor intimidating to say the least.

"Why are you in my house? Who the fuck are you?" Liz said as she attempted to back away from the 2 men. Her mind raced as she thought about who they could be, each possibility getting worse and worse.

"Liz, it's ok, they're here for a reason." A familiar voice spoke behind her, steadying her chair. Liz looked up to see her father give a gentle nod. Her shoulders relaxed as he pushed her chair into the house. "These men need you to give a statement of the incident"

Liz felt the scar on her back tense up. Even thinking about that day made her entire body feel sore. "Why do we need to go over this again? Is this another therapy check in?" Liz inquired.

"Ms. Greyson, we currently have Anima the druid in our custody, we need your statement to use in our case. You are not required to attend, as your father has agreed to represent your family." The 2nd man said as he extended his hand to her. "I'm Mr. Tritus, It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Liz slowly shook the man's hand, looking over to her father. He had a glazed look on his face, as if thinking about anything besides this exchange. "Dad? What's wrong?" Liz asked, snapping her father back to the present.

He hesitated, but Liz could see in his eyes that whatever it was that was bothering her father, it was important. "Elizabeth... Anima is making some absurd claims... He says he knows who your mate is, and he has them." 

Hey! Its the author again! I'm sorry about the long breaks between chapters, but with work and my crippling video game addiction I haven't been able to focus much on writing XD I hope you enjoy this chapter, and pls don't forget to leave any comments about what you think.

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