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"She was flirting with you and you did nothing about it! You just stood there and thanked her!" I cried

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"She was flirting with you and you did nothing about it! You just stood there and thanked her!" I cried.

"well I didn't flirt back so I don't see the problem?! Why are you making it such a big deal!" He argued back.

"Because your my boyfriend and you shouldn't let other girls flirt with you! Would you like it if another boy flirted with me and I just stood there thanking him?!" I asked.

"No" he mumbled.

"Well then!" I collapsed onto the bed with my hands over my face sobbing, I felt a dip in the bed next to me.

"I sorry y/n I promise if a girl ever try's to flirt with me I'll ignore her" he says removing my hands from my face.

I sniffled before saying "I'm sorry for overreacting" I looked into his eyes.

"It's fine" he placed his hand on my cheek. I leaned into it closing my eyes. He pulled me into a hug and carefully pulled the blanket over us.

"I love you" was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.

I'm not sure how to feel about this one? Is it good? Is it bad? I'm not sure let me know!! ALSO make sure you eat and have a drink today please! It would make Thomas proud 🥺 LOVE YOU GUYS BYEEE

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