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HEYYY! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! Just school work :/ but anywaysss here's some newt imagines!! These ones don't have GIFS sorryyy :(

N E W T S   P O V:

A couple weeks ago a girl had come up from the box with a note attached to her saying she's the last one left. And now all everyone can talk about is her. Don't get me wrong she's a pretty girl, with her beautiful y/h/c and her gorgeous y/c/e. And she was so nice, she was also really smart, strong and had an incredible body.

Okay I guess she's perfect, but I still hadn't talked to her. Well I hadn't got the chance. She's a medjack so we don't really speak, and there's always boys queuing to go into the medjacks just to see her.

But one day she came to the bonfire and the boys all swarmed around her, right then I knew she was going to explode.

Y O U R  P O V:

I've been exhausted from work, there's been so many patients and they always try to flirt with me, it's honestly getting tiring. I just wanted to go eat some food and relax but I guess when your the only girl living with 50 other boys it's kinda hard.

I walked to the bonfire and was swarmed by all the boys except a few. They kept touching me and asking me questions. "So beautiful you wanna go on a date" one asked. "No you slinthead so get off me!" I yelled shocking them all. "all of you get off me now! I've been at work all day being harassed by you all! Now give me a break and let me eat my food! I don't like any of you so no I won't go on dates with you!" I screamed as they all backed away.

"Go shanks" I heard someone, venom lacing their voice. I saw his face it was newt. They all scattered away. "Uh- thanks you didn't have to do that" I smiled lightly. "It's fine, them idiots need to bloody leave you alone" he said glaring at them. He turned back at me and smiled. "We should get some food I'm starving" he grinned. "Good that"

And from then on me and newt became inseparable.

Uh- this was so bad.. but hey it's something! Also your beautiful and make sure to eat and drink today! Love you guys and also thank you for 70 reads!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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