Chapter 34

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"Nonno I'm sorry" I whined for the hundredth time this week "At least I wasn't in the house of god nor was I on church property and I asked for gods forgiveness, though dad must be pretty disappointed in me somewhere up there at least Ive not disappointed the father of all fathers"

He looked at me with an annoyed face "You have once again disappointed me Chiara, I have so many hopes for you and you continue a life of sin"

I looked at him with a dumbfounded face and blink "I ain't killed no one, you did that"

"No I mean you have sexual intercourse with a man you are not married to" I stare at him and blink again

"Your point? I started that a long time ago nonno, your pointing this out right now for what reason?"

"I want to see one of my grandchildren get married before I tumble over and croak"

"You got plenty of grandchildren, why does it have to be me?" I whine stomping my feet

It wasn't that I didn't want marriage, it was that it's too early and I don't want to pressure Vasily into that, if he wanted it he would say it straight out.

"Because your the only one with a child"

"I'm also not the only one enjoying sexual intercourse" I point towards him with a smirk as Matteo walks in "Take that bozo for an example, cocky, arrogant, rich, famous, and a total lady's man, he's definitely got a baby mama somewhere out there nonno, he's almost 30 and without a significant other"

"Hey! We do not speak my age in this house!" Matteo scowled at me

"Why? Ten more years and you'll be a middle aged man going bald" I laugh but then scream, sprinting down the hall while kicking my heels off "Not today old bitch!"

I laugh and whine at the same time trying to get up the stairs without tripping, a hand wrapping around my ankle I was yanked back, head hitting against the rough wooden stairs as my body slides down.

Matteo laying above me and sticking his saliva out and letting it dangle over my face.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, MATTIE!" I cry trying to push him off while he just smirked

Wiggling my arms out of his grasp and reaching up I punch his face and scream as his spit dropped on my cheek

"You disgusting little bitch" i shrieked rolling over onto him, fisting his hair in my fist and slamming his head down as he tried to pull my hair back, pushing my head into a very uncomfortable angle

"SOPHIA! MATTEO!" We ignore nonna's shouting while pulling hitting each other

"You stupid mother fucker" I hiss as he punched my boob "I'll fuck you up"

As my nails went to claw at his face I was yanked back, arms around my waist and my legs dangling off the floor, the grip and arm tattoos helped me quickly identify Luka.

"Luke let me go!" I hissed reaching out for Matteo and his bleeding head as he flinched towards me with close fists "I hope you catch diabetes old fuck face"

He gasped and flared at me, I may be over reacting and over dramatic but that fool spit on me and no one spits on me.

Now I was sort of seeing nonna's point of me being
Immature, I just don't care though.

"I'll punch you in the throat" I continued to threaten Matteo as I'm actually passed to someone else's arms "Just you wait, I'll run you over again Matteo"

He continued to make stupid faces at me and smirked while teasing me, my hands trying to get out of Vasily's arms as he walked up the stairs.

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