Chapter 4: Beach and Girlfriend

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* * Emotion/direction/action/scene/pov change

' ' Thoughts

" " air quotes

( ){ }[ ] Author Notes

Guacamole Tone change



*1st pov*

After how I lashed out at Mami and stormed out, Mizuhara walked me home, she actually comforted me a bit, saying how it was good that I stood my ground and dropped someone who would talk bad about me as I was right there. I know she's only a rental girlfriend, and at some point I will have to find a real girlfriend, but she's actually turning out to be a great friend, even though she sees us as little more than a business deal. Though, I don't entirely blame her, with all that has happened, from screwing up dates, to having both my family and my friends think she's my girlfriend, she really has stuck with it and really shows how committed she is to her work.

A few days passed and it was  the start of the weekend and a break from classes. I didn't really have any plans so I was thinking of going to the beach, spend some time on my own and soaking up some sun, maybe even bring Kacchan along so he can get some much needed exercise.

*ring ring*

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I saw my phone was ringing. I checked to see who it was as it turned out to be Yoshiaki calling.

(Y): *answers phone, smiles* Hey Yosh, what's up?

Yoshiaki: *cheery* Hey dude, I was just calling to check up on you after last night.

(Y): *sighs* Yeah, I'm sorry I acted like that, probably wasn't the best thing to do.

Yoshiaki: *stern* Actually, I'm kinda glad you did that. I mean Mami was being rude to you like that. You may have gone a little over with smashing that glass, but otherwise kudos to you dude.

(Y): *chuckles, embarrassed* Yeah, I guess in the heat of the moment I kinda lost myself a bit. So do you have any plans for the weekend?

Yoshiaki: *cheery* That's what I was calling you about, actually. Shun, a few others and I plan on going to the beach for the weekend. Want to join us?

(Y): *stern* Will Mami be there?

Yoshiaki: *nervous chuckles* Well yes she will be, *concerned* but she actually asked to invite you, said she wanted to apologize for last night and said this might be a good way to do it.

(Y): ............*stern* Do you think I should trust her?

Yoshiaki: *stern* Look man, I don't know how close you and her really were during your relationship, and after how she acted last night, I'm honestly not surprised you're a little skeptical, but I think she's being serious about this. She was practically begging us to let you come along.

(Y): .................................*sighs* Well at least she does want to apologize. You think I can bring Kacchan along? I promise I'll take care of all his needs, I just want him to get some exercise.

Yoshiaki: *cheery* I don't see why not, I'll call the others just in case. Besides, that dog of yours always makes people happy. We should be over to pick you up around 10:00 am, so be sure to pack all your things.

(Y): *smiles* Alright, I'll see you then Yosh. *hangs up*

I look down as I took a minute to think about a few things. Should I really go with them on this trip? Other than Shun and Yoshiaki, I don't really know any of them. And then there's Mami. Should I forgive her? I mean her breaking up with me, I'm over that, even with how cheerful she was to do it, but after how she acted last night, should I even consider forgiving her? Mami was just comfortable about badmouthing me in front of everyone. I wouldn't expect her to forgive me if I did the same to her, so why would I forgive her? But if she really is trying to apologize, maybe I can at least let it go. I mean it's not like we'd be getting back together, it would be more like, letting go of our past and just being on neutral ground. Besides, if she is genuinely sorry, maybe this is all I need to move on. Maybe this can be the kick in the ass I need to get me to look for a real girlfriend.

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