Chapter 1: The First Raid

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Since there's such a small amount of police officers, they will sometimes bring certain police officers to raids, so for a couple hours, I was a swat member, it was a new moon night, and we stood down the street from a dark house. I had never raided a house, I was fiddling around with my gun since I was so nervous, "what if I accidentally shoot a civilian? What if I accidentally shoot one of the SWAT?" my mind was running with what if's. "A bit nervous aye?" My partner, Jack, nudged me with his elbow. I looked over at him, "Nahhh.." I sarcastically replied, shaking my head "It's my first too so GUESS we'll just wing it?" Jack shrugged. I nodded and looked at the other 2 SWAT members that were eyeing us, and talking. Suddenly our SWAT leader waved us all over and we quickly trotted over, to see a blueprint of the house we were going to go into, "Alright, Sam, Tate, you'll both stay outside, make sure no one leaves, I want one of you at the back door, and one at the front." I slightly looked up at the other 2 SWAT members who looked like they were ready to object, and the swat leader put his hand up "I don't want to hear it, from either of you. I give the rules." he snapped, I quickly looked back down at the map to pretend I wasn't looking. "Alright, so, Newton and Jackson? You're going in. I want Jackson in the basement, and Newton to check the second floor. There should be a hostage, so be on the lookout. Understood?" he ordered as he looked up at Jack and I, "Yes sir." we replied in unison. "Alright," he grunted, "Get in there." he waved over at the house. We all quickly hiked over to the front of the house, and one of the swat members walked into the backyard, and another stood in front of the door as Jack and I stood behind the door trim. "POLICE!" Sam called as he kicked the door down. He quickly stood back as Jack and I aimed our guns around the room, "Clear!" Jack yelled as he opened the basement door, I headed up the squeaky stairs, "Police!" I hollered again, as I opened a door, I quickly scanned the empty room, no one. I opened the next door, no one, but I heard the floors squeaking in the room next to the one I was in. I wanted to seem tough, so I opened the door and aimed my gun, "POLICE!" I boomed once again, and in the left corner of the room, a black haired woman was curled up behind a box with her hands on her head. "Come out with your hands up." I ordered, as she slowly crept out, I could see she was shaking. She was beautiful. She was fragile, she probably had not eaten in days, she slowly looked up at me, and I quickly became lost in her brown eyes, I lowered my gun "You.. You don't have to be afraid, my name is Newton- you can call me Newt. I reassured her in a soft voice,  I lifted up my shielding goggles and pulled down my face mask and smiled, hoping to gain her trust. "What's your name?" I questioned softly. "M-My name is Genesis.." she stuttered with a half smile, and I smiled back. "Uh- come on, I'll get ya outta here." I blurted out to shatter the silence. I pulled up my mask and put my goggles back on. We walked out of the room together, and when we reached the stairs she turned to me, stood on her tippy toes to reach my ear and whispered, "Thank you Newton." I blushed from under my mask, "Uh- You're welcome" I stuttered, I put my hand on her shoulder to guide her out of the house. Even though she was right there, I couldn't stop thinking about her, and her whisper in my ear, her even saying my name, yet I couldn't tell anyone, I had to pretend it didn't happen, because she was a civilian, and I was a police officer. I knew her name, and that's all I needed to look into her, and figure out who she is. I had never been more interested in a woman in my life.

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