Chapter 5: Newt's Statement

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I reached the station's gates and ran up to the window, as I slammed my ID on the window. "Newt! Oh thank the lord, everyone's terrified!" Mary, the gate keeper said through the speaker as a small gate door opened. I gave her a thumbs up and ran into the parking lot, and into the building. I walked straight past the reception desk, I didn't have time for it, I walked to the back, where all the riot officers were standing huddled talking with Ed. As I stood at the entrance, they all looked at me. "Oh for the love of god!" Ed yelled in relief. He rushed over and hugged me. "You smell like- you smell like garbage Newton." Ed analyzed, "I'm a cop isn't trash supposed to smell like trash?" I joked. Everyone laughed a sigh of relief, "What happened out there?" a voice said, and we all looked over to see our Unit Chief, Michael Gordon, and Department Commissioner, Derek Willamson standing in the entrance of the door. "I don't know Chief, did the spec ops get invited to join us?" Someone asked. I was curious, so I faced them to listen to what he would say. "Uh- no, we're looking into it, but for now, we're taking law enforcement's statements only." He stated, "I'd like to make a statement." I announced. Everyone looked over at me again. "Come with me." Derek said. I started to follow when Ed stopped me. "Uh- Newt, would you like a change of clothes? I can go to your apartment- or I can get something from here." he offered, "Yes, thank you Ed, could you get me a change of clothes from the department and leave it at my desk?" I asked. "Uh- yea, yes, definitely, I will." He cleared his throat. I nodded and followed after the commissioner.

"Please state your name, your rank, and the date." the speaker on the recorder said. I stuttered, "Uh- my name, is Newt, Newton Miller, I am a riot control officer, and uh- the date is.." I looked at my shattered watch, "Thursday.. January 2nd, 2038." I looked up at Michael who was leaning on a chair in front of me, and saw Derek, who was leaning against the wall staring a hole into the side of my head in my peripheral vision. "Alright, tell us what happened, from the beginning." Michael encouraged me. "Like waking up today beginning?" I asked, "You know what, sure." he sighed. "Alright." I cleared my throat, and started to speak like a game show host. "I woke up to my iconic Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley alarm, and had a couple of beers last night so I slept in a bit, ooooooh... aaahhhhh.. so fast as greased lighting got up, got some breath spray, put some kibble in my loyal canine's bowl, grabbed my bag, and ran out the door! Yet I had forgotten my phone.. Bummerrrr.." I tried to not smile, as I looked up at Michael. "Newt, this is an official statement." He whined, "Alright alright, no more game show host." I sighed, and then started to speak in a normal voice again. "I got through the gates, I put my stuff at my desk, I talked with Ed as I got my coffee, which I didn't finish and I'm kind of upset I didn't, that's good coffee, and then the alarm rang-" "Why were you looking up a victim from a raid you participated in the day before?" The commissioner interrupted me. My heart sank, "She's a victim.. I wanted to simply know what happened to her." I stuttered, I decided to go on about it to seem innocent. "You know because I had never done a SWAT raid before, and I just wanted to make sure she got to safety, maybe to a shelter or something like that-" "Alright, continue." the commissioner snapped. Yikes, he definitely doesn't like me, so much for first impressions. I sighed, and continued to talk. "I threw on my riot gear, we got there, people were yelling, two 7 foot figures with AR15s showed up, they shot over the crowd and everyone ran. I ran into this alleyway and my first thought was blend in with the civilians, so then I wouldn't get attacked for being a cop, so I took all my gear off, threw it in a dumpster, sat freezing in jeans and a shirt," I leaned back to show my outfit, "but when I closed the lids one of the guys came over, and he heard it, and I thought I was gonna get shot, but someone said his name, Tank, and-" "Tank?" Michael and Derek said in unison, "Yeah," I said, "Tank, some woman called him to come back and he came back like a puppy." I scoffed. Michael and Derek both looked at eachother. "That's all we need, thank you Newton," Derek said. "Thanks Newt," Michael said. "No problemo" I said as I stood up, and left the room. I got to my desk, and Ed was standing there with folded clothes in his arms, waiting for me. "Hi Newton! Uh I got your clothes, here you go." He placed them in my hands and patted it. "Thanks Ed," I smiled, "makes my dad" he light up like a christmas tree, "Well- you are welcome Newton." he beamed as he pushed his glasses up, and walked away smiling. "Bet he's never heard 'thanks ed' before" Jack laughed, he was listening in, as usual. "Yeah because it's always 'shut up ed' or 'I don't care, ed'" I snapped as I looked over at him as I walked over to the changing rooms "No need to snap grandma!" Jack laughed. I rolled my eyes and pushed the door open to the locker room.

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