37 || the tightly knit family unravels

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"please follow the light with your eyes junhui, good you're doing great." a warm voice spoke as jun's eyelashes fluttered right before he opened his eyes. he flinched at the bright light being put in front of his face, and the bright lights of the hospital room he was in, but quickly adjusted to the change of environment. last time he was conscious he remembered being in front of his class, right next to joshua, and now he was laying in a hospital bed with an iv attached to his arm and all types of wires running along his body that measured his heart rate and blood pressure. it wasn't an unfamiliar setting for him, it just took time for him to adjust to it.

the resident in charge of monitoring him jotted down a few things before moving to his electronic chart and cataloging information into it about his blood pressure and heart rate. meanwhile jun looked around to try to snap the funky feeling in his head he was feeling. he didn't feel dizzy anymore but he felt an aching feeling originating from his forehead. the purple haired patient then lifted his right hand up to reach and feel for his forehead, making eye contact with the resident while doing so.

"my head hurts." jun's voice felt sore. it was understandable seeing as he had just regained consciousness after fainting. he was in a state of confusion, not knowing what happened from the moment he lost his grasp on the world to now when he regained control of his body. he was hoping the resident could help him with filling in those gaps, or maybe even someone he knew. joshua would help him, where was joshua right now? was he okay? how did he react to jun fainting like that? there were so many things that remained unanswered in jun's head and he needed them to be answered right away.

"you hit your head pretty hard on a desk when you collapsed, causing a concussion. we also stitched up the superficial wound on your head." the resident gestured to the bandages wrapped around his head of purple hair. jun nodded slowly as to not injure himself more since his head had ached a bit, giving the resident a small smile when she complimented his purple hair to brighten the tensions in the room. the young resident seemed to also notice, besides the fact that her patient's hair was an outstanding shade of purple, that jun was looking around the room as if he was seeking out someone's presence. she figured the teenager was looking for someone familiar, his family perhaps. "we also called your parents, they will be here soon so just sit tight. let any of the nurses know if you need help or if you feel anything out of the ordinary, I will be back to check on you in about half an hour or so."

"oh my god junnie, you have no idea how worried sick we were!"

jun sat up in the hospital bed an hour later when he heard the frantic calls coming from his concerned mother. she hugged him in an instant, wrapping her arms around him protectively more for the sake of reassuring herself rather than making jun feel better. behind her followed both of the younger wen siblings and jun's father who shared the same worried facial expressions as his panicked wife. jun's mother pulled away from him when the resident that had been checking on jun before walked in with their senior attending. "we came as soon as you called, what's wrong with him? has his disease progressed to the point where he needs a pacemaker or even a transplant?"

"it isn't to that extent mrs. wen, please calm down." the attending spoke with ease, she had been trained to deal with worried parents after all so the frantic nature of the chinese woman did not strike her as anything out of the ordinary. parents always presented themselves in this manner when their children were sick and in need of care. it was even common for parents to be like jun's mother in the sense that they liked to prepare for the worst by studying and researching about their childrens' diseases and conditions in advance. "we do have questions concerning his home life and usage of medication though. either it hasn't been working effectively and junhui has neglected to inform us or he hasn't been taking them at all."

the older chinese woman looked baffled by this statement, as if it were absurd for the doctors to be even asking if jun was at fault here. she didn't have any doubts at all that her son's heart disease had progressed, she was so fixated with that thought that she looked truly offended with what the doctors were implying. jun was not like that at all; he would never willingly put himself in danger by doing something as reckless as not taking his prescribed pills regularly.

"that's impossible, jun would tell us if there was something wrong with the medicine right honey?" jun's mother held her husband's hand immediately, needing comfort from him because she was scared herself. jun looked towards his younger sister jia who had a large scowl on her face, he spotted it just before she turned away from the conversation the doctors were having with their parents and towards their younger brother jackson who occupied himself with his mother's phone. the older man gripped his wife's hand tightly; he wanted to comfort his wife by agreeing with her, but truth be told he didn't know for sure that there wasn't anything jun was hiding from them.

the father had a positive relationship with all his children and considered them to be a tightly knit family, but he couldn't deny that jun was closing himself off from the rest of them recently. the high school senior barely resembled the ten year old in the old man's eyes that would run about and come to him to talk about any and everything. there were things jun was hiding and maybe the doctors were on to something. it could explain why his precious eldest son isolated himself from the rest of the family.

"jun? is there something you need to tell us?" jun looked into his father's eyes, frowning at the same time. he already felt guilty from the way jia looked at him with such resentment in her eyes earlier. that added with the sympathetic eye contact his father was maintaining with him cracked his shield of stubborn. his voice cracked as he spoke carefully as to try to avoid the tears in his own brown eyes from spilling down onto his face for everyone in the hospital room to judge. "I'm really sorry dad, I messed up."

= = =
stream jun's mv guys!

he did so well omg his acting IM AKAKAKKA words cannot describe how impressed I am and how amazing he was :(

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