51 || "tragic bittersweet heartbreak" lol

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"one strawberry, one blueberry, and peach for me. does joshua not want anything?" wonwoo asked politely after placing down each flavored smoothie in front of their respective owners. jun accepted the blueberry smoothie graciously and immediately reached down to take a large sip of the beverage. chan smiled at the ravenette as the senior sat down next to him. wonwoo ruffled the younger teenager's dark brown hair before handing chan his strawberry drink. out of gratitude chan grabbed the ravenette's hand from under the table and swung their interlocked hands gently before grabbing his smoothie with his other hand to enjoy the fresh beverage. "he looks like he could use an extra boost of sugar right about now."

"oh joshua? he's fine!" the purple haired teenager sitting across from them beamed as he poked the large head of hair sitting to his left. it moved in response and only continued to shift after as jun's pokes progressively became more aggressive and frequent. wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows at joshua who let out a small groan of displeasure as jun played around with his hair. the brunette didn't appreciate being prodded at while he was trying to get a quick power nap in. joshua hadn't had the opportunity to nap at school because he wasn't the type to sleep during his classes (unlike the author haha...) so he had to settle for getting his sleep hours in during their friendly hang out. "he's just stubborn and doesn't know when to quit it with the studying. he pulled an all-nighter last night and now he's all burnt out."

"jun I like you and all but if you don't stop screeching in the next five seconds I'm going to kill you, for real." the grumpy brunette picked his head up and glared at jun much like in the way he used to look at jun when they had first met. the chinese male found it to be adorable though. he took pleasure from seeing being so angry with him for the smallest things, although they usually did correlate with joshua not getting enough sleep. jun was learning a lot about joshua because of all the time they spent together and one of those things happened to be that the brunette never really did get full nights of sleep during the weekdays. it was why joshua fell asleep at such early times during the weekends.

"yup, that's typical joshua for you alright." the grin on jun's face widened while the scowl on joshua's deepened. wonwoo and chan would have been worried about how upset joshua looked if it hadn't been for the careless attitude jun upheld in front of them both, or if they had no prior knowledge about how joshua felt about the purple haired teenager in general. "I've never gotten a death threat from him before though, so cheers to that!"

"you're chirpier than usual." wonwoo observed in a monotone as he brought up the straw of his smoothie and silently bit it. it was one of his quiet habits, and sometimes he didn't even realize he was doing it until someone around him pointed it out. chan leaned his head on his right had as he viewed wonwoo from the side. he paid no attention to what jun was saying and opted for just hearing the deep voice of the ravenette next to him ring out as he spoke to his best friend. "you must be pretty happy then huh?"

"well life's great when the boy you like likes you back and then you both go on a date but don't really determine if you're boyfriends or not. it doesn't really matter though because you like him too much to care." wonwoo nodded in agreement and held up his paper cup to meet jun's in their small toast. the ravenette glanced to the side, meeting eyes with chan who released a small smile in response. under the table their hands met and locked with one another. while wonwoo was not at all bothered by the way chan gripped his hand and swung them lightly under the table, chan himself seemed to be very proud to have had wonwoo's affection all to himself for once. "plus this smoothie tastes amazing and my conditioner started working again! say hello to my flowing locks of gorgeous hair!"

the brunette picked up his head and glared at his counterpart, who only continued to play with his fluffy purple hair. he ruffled his own head while wiggling it around so that his friends would get a very good idea of how well of a condition his hair was in. despite his dark brown roots finally growing out though, jun's hair still did look amazing. joshua would have said so himself if he wasn't so dead set on sleeping. unfortunately, being next to jun was pretty much a guarantee that joshua wasn't going to get any rest. he was excited, more excited than usual, as he shook in his seat and persisted with being his energetic self. "junhui, you're giving me a headache."

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