11 || the golden fifth wheel

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"yesterday was a perfect example of why I hate junhui, he's so annoying! we spent almost two hours cleaning out the art room because of him, two hours!" joshua voiced out his complaints as he groaned and laid his head backwards towards the couch cushions. sitting on the floor beside him were seokmin and chan who both looked to each other as soon as joshua continued on with ranting about his detention session with the purple haired student who had seemed to have really aggravated the usually passive senior.

it wasn't uncommon for joshua to go off on a tangent when he was upset. the brunette tended to let things bubble internally for a long time before exploding, letting out all his emotions in a heated conversation. last time joshua had gotten this mad was when he was angry at himself for not studying hard enough for a math exam they had had last year; the consequence of that was that his overall grade point average decreased by half a point and that led to joshua's world falling apart (well for that week at least).

"he's so lucky you guys like him because I really can't stand him. seriously, junhui is just about the most annoying human being I've ever met!" joshua complained angrily as he glared at his friends. the way he spoke seemed like he was blaming them for his issues with jun, as if it weren't his own fault that he couldn't get along with the purple haired individual. even the color purple reminded him and jun, which is why he thought of it as his least favorite color now.

joshua did have a point though; he would have never have spoken to jun at all if it weren't for their mutual friends introducing them to each other. even back then joshua found the chinese student irritating, although jun wasn't as loud and hyper as he was before back when they met. jun was actually quiet when they met, joshua almost missed his silent ways.

"I wouldn't say you don't like him, you always are talking about him." seokmin hinted as he shared a small knowing smile with chan who quickly returned to watching the television in front of them. the younger male preferred not to get involved with the senior drama between joshua and jun (although honestly was it really as dramatic as joshua made it out to be?). instead chan remained neutral on the topic; he did have loyalty towards joshua, but his newly formed friendship with wonwoo had earned him a bit of insight on who jun was a person. "plus you're always mean to the people you like and you are very rude to jun."

seokmin felt the same way, even if he knew a lot more about joshua than he did about the purple haired senior. despite that, the brunette didn't really see jun as troublesome. seokmin actually believed that the only reason joshua was so harsh to jun was because he was jealous of the carefree attitude jun lived with. that and seokmin had money bet on the basis that joshua had a small thing for the purple haired student. "I'm always talking about him because he always finds a way to get on my nerves! I'm mean to him because he contributes nothing to my life. being friends with jun is like stepping in gum and you try your hardest to get rid of him but he's still around for some reason."

"jun isn't that bad. he can be very helpful, he helps me with my work when you or wonwoo aren't around. I don't think you give him as much credit as you should." chan spoke up without looking up from the television. he didn't look up because he didn't want the warm blush on his face to be seen by either seokmin or joshua. they still caught on though, it wasn't coincidence how chan only spoke to mention wonwoo like that. it also wasn't like seokmin or joshua to miss out on a chance at teasing the younger male which explains why they both turned to face chan, putting him in the spotlight.

"speaking of wonwoo, what's up with you and him chan? a little birdie told me you and him were shacking up at lunch." seokmin nudged chan with his elbow. beside him joshua smiled and nodded along as to agree with what seokmin was saying. they had both got this piece of information from mingyu who was not at all reluctant to tell them about the pair's interactions. actually, mingyu had pretty much offered to tell them since he did need someone to ramble on to about how annoying it was that wonwoo preferred chan over him sometimes. "uh no? that's not true at all, who the heck told you that?"

"man my best friends are out here getting their mans and I'm alone. this fifth wheel life is hard." chan was completely ignored by seokmin who began to tease both of his best friends by tauntingly singing about their love lives. joshua's annoyed facial expressions without a doubt contrasted the way that chan softly gleamed at the song. it was like the younger male wasn't at all trying to hide his crush on the ravenette while joshua was just disgusted by the idea of him and jun being paired together for anything, let alone a relationship.

"I would rather lick a brick than date junhui." joshua concluded with an arrogant scoff as he crossed his arms and turned to the television as to declare that he was done with this conversation. seokmin only chuckled to himself at both of his friends' reactions. chan was just too cute and it was adorable how much joshua was in denial. seokmin couldn't wait for both of his friends to power up and seek out their love interests, even if joshua wouldn't admit it yet.

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