35 || eyes nose lips and his forehead

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"I'm surprised you pulled through with your half junhui, I don't peg you as the type to finish a project early like this." joshua gave a satisified grin towards his laptop screen as he went through the powerpoint presentation that jun had pieced together with the information he gathered. he figured jun was the type of person to get the project done five minutes before class, not three days before. it made the brunette dumbfounded as to how he had judged jun's work ethic so harshly, although he would have reacted differently if he found out the purple haired male only worked so quickly to please him.

"well there's a lot you don't know about me joshua." jun smirked at the brunette as he leaned over closely to the senior's left shoulder. he wanted to lean his head on the brunette's shoulder for comfort, but he also didn't want to intrude on his personal space especially with how awkward things seemed after their brief argument. the purple haired individual's head picked up when joshua shut his laptop abruptly.  he was eager to get the latter's attention now that he figured they were done reviewing their project. "anyways now that that's over with we can just hang out and do whatever right?"

"actually I was going to work on this history assignment I have, I want to make sure I'm caught up on the material in case mr. kim decides to give us a surprise quiz." joshua responded a bit too quickly, but he wished he hadn't when he spotted the disappointed expression plastered all over the purple haired student's face. maybe he should have thought before instinctively putting down one of jun's ideas again. luckily jun looked to be not deeply affected by this due to his overwhelming sense of optimism and positivity.

"you study then, I'll sit and watch you." jun smiled, pulling a chair so that he could sit next to joshua who was preparing his desk for his study session. he laid his textbook out, also bringing out a notebook and pen beside it so that he could take notes. joshua missed the admiring gazes from jun, instead concerning himself more over if jun would actually be okay with doing just that. he knew how active and energetic the purple haired student got at his peak and he didn't want to just bore jun all afternoon. "are you sure?"

"I feel a bit sluggish today, not enough sleep last night." jun nodded, his words reeked of honesty for once because joshua could see the lack of sleep engraved on his face in the form of dark circles and bags under his eyes. it seemed plausible for jun to want to rest rather than exert himself to being hyper like he usually was, the brunette was just surprised jun was actually giving in to his human needs unlike other times when he pushed himself to be the annoyingly excitable person he was known to be. "so yeah it's fine, I'll relax for a while."

"take a nap then, I'll wake you up later on." joshua suggested. it wasn't a horrible suggestion at all, but jun did seem very reluctant to agree with it. as a toddler his parents always had a hard time with getting him to fall asleep mostly because the toddler version of jun felt like he was going to miss out on playtime if he took those hour long naps during the afternoon. the same logic applied here only the purple haired student didn't want to waste his day with joshua sleeping away, especially since he had barely gotten joshua to agree to let him over (the brunette still liked to keep up his tough and stoic front from time to time). "you're not going to miss out on anything. I'm probably going to spend the next hour or so reading through this entire unit."

joshua read the beginning chapter of the unit he was focusing on; it was about the roman empire and its downfall which was a topic joshua tended to struggle with due to how complex it was to follow through with. while he read, he noticed that jun actually did listen to his advice. the purple haired male laid his left arm on the desk space next to where joshua's history textbook sat while resting his head on his arm. he watched joshua read quietly, observing how delicate and careful joshua looked while reviewing the unit.

his brown eyes scanned the words of the textbook and while his right hand remained focused on jotting down any key concepts within the text, his left hand rested carefully at the edge of his textbook on standby for when he needed to flip the page. it was peaceful in joshua's room, nothing like jun's loud home where there always was a screaming child (usually it was jackson and occasionally it was caused by jia chasing jackson down) within a hearing distance. it felt nice to feel this calm alongside the brunette, it was a feeling jun was slowly finding himself being addicted to.

"hm?" joshua hummed softly when he felt jun grab his left hand without warning. he didn't want to pull his hand away though, instead he just let the purple haired male do what he wanted as he pretended to not notice what jun was doing. he at first played with the brunette's fingers, brushing against them with his own and getting used to the addictive feeling joshua's smooth skin. joshua wiggled his fingers comedically to play with jun, smiling down at his textbook when it earned him a small laugh from the latter.

jun glanced at the brunette's side profile, grinning at the sight of him. his expression went serious when he felt his heart ache with pain. he let out a small whimper of pain, something small enough that wouldn't have been audible enough for joshua to hear but still enough to signify his pain. the chinese male shut his eyes afterwards, it was something he did when he felt pain as a kid and the habit stayed with him throughout the years. he didn't let go of joshua's hand during this though, jun actually guided his left hand to the top of his head so that joshua could hopefully get an idea of what he wanted.

and joshua, being the well-educated student he was, did just that. he was surprised when he felt jun's fluffy purple hair under his fingertips, even looking away from the textbook to see what jun was up to. the chinese senior gave joshua an unsure look to joshua; he was ready to open his mouth and apologize for his actions but he stopped himself short of doing so when joshua began to calmly stroke the younger male's hair just like he wanted him to.

jun shuddered when he felt joshua act so gently towards him. his cheeks heated up and he couldn't get the smile on his face to subside at the skinship he was indulging himself into here. overtime though he had grown more used to the waves of relief and comfort brought on by joshua, even internally wishing for more. he wished joshua would stop studying and just lay there with him, the mental image of joshua laying on the desk with him and staring right into his eyes while bringing his hand down to stroke jun's cheeks gently allowed for the purple haired male to finally close his eyes and fall victim to his drowsiness.

he hadn't had a good night's worth of sleep all week, but the conditions in this moment allowed him to finally catch up on all the hours he missed last night. jun let out soft snores when he had dived into a deep enough sleep, which is when joshua turned away from his studies to get a good look at jun. he looked so soft and delicate in his sleep, joshua tried his best to memorize every crook of his face seeing as he couldn't concentrate on the textbook in front of him with the beautiful sight to his left.

at least ten minutes passed by before joshua snapped himself out of it, immediately shaking his head and wondering what had gotten into him. still he couldn't completely get out of the trance the sight of jun placed on him, he realized it when he found himself leaning in to place a small kiss on the purple haired male's forehead. joshua smiled to himself during the rest of the afternoon and early evening as he studied history while jun slept, unaware that the latter did in fact feel the warmth he left on his forehead.

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