39 || unfunny funny jokes pt2

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jun sighed miserably as he played with the iv in his arm, passing his fingers alongside the tube and watching the hanging bag of fluids slowly decrease in volume to pass time. it was his second day in the hospital and after a very draining first day in which he managed to disappoint his entire family all in one sitting, jun felt exhausted. the looks on his parents' face when he admitted to being irresponsible with his medication was unforgettable and would forever be engraved in his mind as a reminder to all the disappointment he caused them in both that day alone and in the whole entirety of his life.

the doctors were also disappointed and lectured him on the consequences of his actions. their solution involved getting stronger forms of medication for him and getting his parents to agree to allowing a therapist come in and talk to jun about why he did what he did. it was more of a safety measure to make sure the purple haired patient wasn't depressed, seeing as patients who suffered from depression were more susceptible to skipping medication doses. his parents were more than glad to agree to these terms, his mother even went on to preach the benefits of having a professional for jun to speak to which of course further agitated jun.

and now here he was, stuck in a hospital bed during an afternoon where he would have otherwise been there to spend time with his friends and joshua. come to think of it he really did miss the brunette's presence around him; the last time joshua saw him he collapsed onto the floor and that really wasn't a good last memory to have the latter linger on. at least jun didn't have to worry about hiding his disease from the brunette anymore, it didn't take a genius to figure out something was wrong with him.

"it took me at least an hour to get here from my house, you can at least smile for me." jun was sure he was hallucinating now because he thought he had just heard joshua speaking to him. the chinese male was ready to call a nurse into his room too until he saw the smiling senior standing in the doorway to his room. he hadn't heard from joshua so he figured that the brunette didn't really care as much as he thought he did, but seeing him here now was proof that jun was all wrong about that theory. he had only needed a day to calm himself down from seeing the purple haired patient pass out during their presentation and within that day all he could do was worry.

joshua tried burying himself in books and his studies to distract himself from the idea jun, someone he deeply cared for, was in a hospital bed somewhere and was possibly in pain while he was just fine. however, that didn't work as well as he had hoped. when joshua's parents had gotten a divorce the brunette buried himself in his academic work. when his father remarried he spent any time not at the ceremony reading continuously and when his mother took more shifts at her workplace, joshua coped with the loneliness by studying nonstop. for some reason jun was the only exception to his coping mechanism, and maybe that was because he loved jun.

"smile for you? I'm the one in the hospital bed, I need all the smiles I can get right now especially since I've used up all of my good jokes on the nurses already! they keep giving me pity smiles." the chinese male grinned, finally happy to have someone to keep him company. having his family around only made him feel more miserable than he already was, what with his younger sister being so disgruntled around him and with his parents' presences constantly reminding him of how much of a disgrace he was. "I'd give you a pity smile too if I had to stick around and hear those repulsive jokes all day. they're really not that good jun."

"as if you can tell a better one mister I've got a whole stick up my ass." jun's expression brightened when joshua advanced into the hospital room, stopping himself when he reached a chair right next to the bed. the brunette sat on the chair, causing for his purple haired counterpart to turn to face the chair on his immediate left. he continued on with the comedic mood brought about with his arrival to the once dreary room because jun had looked so upset before he walked in. there have been many instances where the purple haired patient had brought light to his days, joshua was sure he could do the same.

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