Chapter 4

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Her head still fogged with the vacancy of sleep, Ahsoka woke. The ground was cold beneath her still back and the scratches and burns etched along her skin screamed in protest as she stretched to sit up.

Obi-Wan was already awake, meditating in the center of the cell, eyes closed, face one of complete serenity. No movement betrayed his acknowledgement of her presence, but she knew he was aware. "Good morning," he said finally, breaking the trance of meditation.

"'Morning, Obi-Wan."

They sat in silence for many more minutes, Ahsoka slipping into the peaceful meditation as well, but before long, Hondo arrived with his usual jubilance.

"I see you both are awake. Good, good. Not trying those foolish escape attempts again. I'm glad to see you've learned," he chuckled.

"Why try to escape when you can just take us where we need going and then we walk away without you being the wiser?" Obi-Wan didn't even stir.

"Your fire has returned, Master Jedi," Hondo laughed, shaking his wrinkled face.

Obi-Wan made no move to counter the claim.

"Come, I will situate you with more adequate quarters for such highly esteemed warriors such as yourself." Hondo unlatched the door.

Not forgetting the electro chip that had knocked her out the previous day, Ahsoka stood, addressing Hondo, "I thought you said we needed to gain your trust?"

"Well of course, but with you not trying a meager escape after I let you proves enough to me. Anyways, where would you even go. We're in dead space and I don't take it you have anywhere to be."

Ahsoka stared at him, unamused.

"Well, anyways, come, I will take you."

They followed Hondo down a series of corridors staying well away from the left just as Ahsoka had said before. A small flicker of pride filled her, knowing she had been correct in the assumption. Even getting knocked out was worth it.

It was definitely a different model of a Republic Frigate than Ahsoka had first assumed it to be. The layout was mostly the same, but size wise, it was only a small fraction of the originals. It was by far better for a speedier exit if it did come across Sepratist- no, Imperial ships. And the weaponry would pack just as much of a punch.

If she had to guess, she assumed there would be three levels. The top: consisting of the main control bridge as well as gun controls and the conference room for strategizing and upper ranking conferences. Maybe even a few high class rooms for special quests thrown in. The middle would be where the crew's quarters were. Perhaps ten rooms of trooper barracks, each containing a minimum of fifteen clones. And the third floor: storage hangers, and the brig she and Obi-Wan had been kept in. Most likely there was another section of cell blocks for more dangerous or top priority prisoners built in a separate section beneath the hangar bays. The perfect place to look for the mystery figure she could sense.

"Hondo," she started, glancing up at the space pirate, "will we be able to roam as we please or are we confined to our quarters."

"Oh-ho-ho, already thinking about an escape now are we? Perhaps I should put you both right back in the brig. It'd save me a lot of trouble, that's for sure. But no, for now it'd make me feel all the more happy if you limit yourself to the quarters I provide you with. I assure you, they will be more than adequate."

He was right. But so was Ahsoka in her mind's analysis of the ship. They were on the top level in what appeared to be a large guest room decked in tapestries originating from Alderaan it seemed, and small trinkets adorning the shelves.

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