Chapter 13

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He watched as the ship pulled away. Just as planned. There had been no transmissions to Lord Sidious since his locating the Jedi who had stolen the next generation of Inquisitors. If he could capture and reclaim all three Jedi plus the seven others, it was highly probable he would be promoted to a higher position than just the Sixth Brother. Perhaps even made The Grand Inquisitor in place of the turned Temple Guard. There was even a chance of becoming Lord Vader's right hand if played right. It was his duty to serve, but in this instance he was confident he was making the right call.

Comming for backup would make him appear weak which was not something he planned on doing. He would kill the Jedi and reclaim what was rightfully his. There was no alternative. He would succeed or die trying. He would regain his honor.

The tracker he planted fell from the ship. Just as planned. He knew the Jedi weren't stupid, he was confident the older male human had been the one to order the ship to be swept. Little did they know he had uploaded a virus into the ship's main computer and with a single click of a button, another tracker would take the lost one's place.

He walked from the window, heading to his ship. It was an inconspicuous looking A-wing; so different from the custom TIE fighters his other Brothers and Sisters used. He liked it for that very reason. Nobody would notice a single beat up A-wing that seemed just a relic of the Clone Wars; a TIE fighter arriving at a spaceport supposedly off Empire's radar would arouse suspicion. He already assumed rumors had spread on his arrival, his appearance wasn't the most discreet and leaving his lightsaber attached at hip was a mistake he would not make again.

Unlike the Jedi, his ship was boarded inside the port since its small stature wouldn't connect outside. It was a hindrance to leaving quickly. Due to the up in security since the glorious Empire's rise he was forced not only to manually check out with ID -he had a fake of course, Edgar Whaterson: refugee of Mandalore's civil wars. No known parents or origins. Nothing to draw the eye, the Mandalorian Civil War drove countless refugees, all seeking shelter. And Mandalore's was only one. There were scores more of system wars raging across the galaxy. So many that no one bothered batting an eye anymore at a single refugee trying to flee the chaos of it; a droid least of all, apparently no one was good enough to stand the position of checking in and out travelers.

Then again, his outfit wasn't that subtle -the metal grated helmet, full black body armor crafted to hug every well honed muscle, small red highlights- it created issues at first until the realization that nobody cared. As long as you paid and didn't create trouble, no questions were asked.

He slid his card through the side panel, keying in his departure. The droid manning the station beeped loudly, obnoxiously reminding the Sixth Brother to pay -the downside of going undercover. If they knew who he really was, they would kneel and pay their respects.

He had stayed in hiding, training secretly with the nine other chosen ones by Lord Sidious. Most training hadn't been done in the flash, but instead over heavily coded messages. Very rarely had he found time to travel to the large ship they had lived on for the duration of their lives up until their notification of Order 66.

The deep grudge pitted against The Grand Inquisitor only grew as the years passed. Not only had he already had the training of the Jedi's old Temple Guards, but Lord Sidious had been in direct contact with him throughout the Clone Wars and before. The Sixth Brother had been trained in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force since he had been taken as an infant; the Grand Inquisitor had been taught in the ways of the Light Side. Weakness: that's what it was. A weakness he would pay dearly when the day came.

The Sixth Brother blasted the engine, leaving the foul spaceport behind him. He had plans to make, to plot. Because when this was over, the Jedi would be dead and he would return a hero with the second generation of Inquisitors. It was not a question. It was fact.

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