~Chapter 14~

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Waking up early morning is the worst thing ever!!! I really don't understand how some people actually like it.

Even If I got 1000 lollipops every time I get up early, I would still not do it.

I would rather continue dreaming about lollipops longer, than actually wake up for them.

I stuff my face in my pillow trying to get more 5 minutes of sleep, but I guess today isn't my lucky day as I hear my momma scream my name from downstairs angrily.

I know that my 5 minutes turn into 15 and then to 1 hour but fairy promise I count in my sleep like actually count till 5 minutes in my dream, but I don't know why the 5 minutes feel like one second, so it's not my fault if I get confused and sleep a bit- I mean alot longer than planned.

I don't know, but am I the only one who does that?

I hear my momma footsteps coming upstairs, and I automatically sit up straight, forgetting about all my previous thoughts.

It's not like I'm scared of momma it's just...........who am I kidding, ofcourse I am (≧▽≦)

I stretch out a bit before finally stepping out of bed.

I freshen up before running downstairs and hugging Dad and momma tightly before quickly begin to stuff my face with some delicious pancakes.

I still remember how happy they were yesterday during dinner when I told them about Dimples being my first best friend.

I told them all about Dimples and his cute bunny Carrots and how Dimple knows everything about space and the universe.

My momma was interested in studying about space and universe when she was in college, so I asked her if she could teach me about it, so I could talk more with Dimples.

Dad was really happy to hear that I wanted to learn something new.

My momma even told me to invite Dimples home on Sunday for lunch, so they could meet Dimples.

I just couldn't wait to share this news with Dimples!!

I felt really bad yesterday that I didn't tell my momma and dada about Dami because I was still a bit angry at that time about the earlier school incident.

"Slow down Ari, or no more pancakes for you", I hear my momma warned me from the kitchen.

I look up quickly with my stuffed face to see if she is looking at me or not, only to see her busy cooking.

How in fairy world do all moms know everything without even looking?

I look towards my dad with puppy eyes, so he could take my side but no, he just had to agree with momma too.

I pout glaring down at my plate.

Now I can even eat how I want too!

I huff angrily before slowing down a bit, scared that I won't get more pancakes but at the same time loudly chewing them to show my retaliation.

"Pumpkin", I hear my dad call me.

I look up from my plate still glaring slightly.

"Aurora, you know that we'll never want anything wrong for you, right ?", Dad asked softly .

I pouted slightly but couldn't help but agree as I nod my head in reply.

"Then you should know that if you eat too fast, you might choke and your mom doesn't want that to happen to you, okay. So don't be mad at her because she only wants the best for you, Pumpkin", Dad said as he kissed softly on my forehead before doing the same to momma and then leaves to get ready for work.

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